ChanServ changed the topic of #asahi-alt to: Asahi Linux: porting Linux to Apple Silicon macs | User-contributed/unofficial distribution ports | Logs:
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<sid-linux> I tried to do `pacman -Syu` --- after a long time ALARM has new packages for me -- hundreds of them
<sid-linux> So *feels like* ALARM is finally restarting with its rolling release of packages again after a long time
<sid-linux> Unfortunately, there seems to be hardly any direct confirmation about this on ALARM forums...
<sid-linux> I don't know if things are in some sort of interim state or it should be OK for me to update hundreds of these packages
<sid-linux> Also the community channel seems to be gone, again there is no announcement of this on the arm arch linux website
<sid-linux> I know archlinux x86 did this also recently
<sid-linux> Did anybody update their Asahi linux arm setup successfully after updating hundreds of these packages?
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<sid-linux> s/community channel/community repository/
<sid-linux> s/Asahi linux arm/Asahi Linux ALARM/
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<chadmed> sid-linux: community has been merged into extra just like on standard arch i believe
<chadmed> unfortunately these issues with ALARM and communication are not new
<chadmed> you should be okay to update, pacman is pretty tolerant of large upgrades ime
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<sid-linux> Did anybody do the updates themselves successfully? pacmany is asking me to update 590 (!) packages and download ~1.3 GB !
<sid-linux> (thanks chadmed for your reply btw)
<sid-linux> s/pacmany/pacman/
<jannau> #asahi would be the on topic channel
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<sid-linux> (sorry for posting on the wrong channel #asahi-alt instead of #asahi )
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<yuka> has anyone made the asahi kernel build with rustc 1.70.0?
<ChaosPrincess> you need the literally latest one from asahi-wip
<ChaosPrincess> it has changes to fix 1.70
<mps> yuka: yes
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<yuka> ah nice I glanced over asahi-wip but will look more closely
<mps> I had to add small one line patch for rust-bindgen 0.66.0
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