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<ChaosPrincess> chadmed: so, w.r.t openrc unit, i guess im the only person running gentoo w/ systemd, and i have no idea to write a compatible openrc init script so it triggers automatically when device is present
<jannau> no, I'm running systemd on desktop/laptop systems as well
<jannau> I don't think you can have device activated openrc init scripts. I'd add the most simplest script and let users deal with that manually
<ChaosPrincess> yea... now to install a second copy of gentoo with openrc
<jannau> just write a script and wait for bug reports (or review)
<mps> not sure I understand issue, but I use openrc (alpine) and have script to automatically set network when I plug usb ethernet
<mps> with mdev trigger ofc
<ChaosPrincess> i've seen 'needs net' in script but what about 'needs idk_some_random_input_device'
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<chadmed> ChaosPrincess: is tiny-dfr a well-behaved daemon?
<ChaosPrincess> it does what systemd expects of it, yes
<chadmed> okie doke ill write a script for it then tonight :)
<ChaosPrincess> i already push-forced over that mr with my attempt at writing an init script
<chadmed> oh yeah that should work
<chadmed> they are just shell scripts btw so i _think_ if [[ ! -f {device file} ]] should work to prevent it from starting in the checkconfig() function
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