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<mps> trying to build asahi-6.3-9 kernel I've got this error
<psykose> you have to remove the arg, that's about it
<psykose> --size_t-is-usize is the default now so just remove it from where it's passed
<mps> psykose: yes
<mps> but I had a hope that somehow we don't have too much patching kernels
<mps> rust will force me to go to openbsd from linux
<mps> psykose: thanks for help
<mps> psykose: btw, when you are here, do you think it is safe to upgrade rust-bindgen to 0.66.0 on alpine? I did locally already
<psykose> yeah
<mps> ok, thanks
<BenTheTechGuy> I tried an older version of Minecraft and it worked
<BenTheTechGuy> bad performance but I assume this is expected in the early days of this GPU work
<chadmed> yeah a little bit but minecraft is just poorly optimised in general and also java
<chadmed> native games run extremely well
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<dottedmag> chadmed: Do you thing JVM JIT is so bad on ARM?
<millenialhacker> Hello! Has anyone experience not working keyboard / touchpad after upgrading Gentoo Asahi Kernel?
<chadmed> millennialhacker: did you build without letting menuconfig rewrite new .config options?
<chadmed> i havent had any touchpad or keyboard issues for a very long time
<mps> uograded to latest asahi 6.3-9 hour ago, works fine on m1pro
<MichaelLong> millenialhacker, yes. Was some time ago, because of a change in the kernel config entry regarding HID
<millenialhacker> MichaelLong, do you remember the entry name?
<MichaelLong> millenialhacker, let me check.
<millenialhacker> Ty
<mps> does gentoo upgrade all needed things, m1n1, u-boot and kernel
<chadmed> yeah the overlay keeps all three in sync but users are expected to run update-m1n1 themselves
<chadmed> as it is external to the kernel build process
<millenialhacker> Oh, I miss the update m1n1
<millenialhacker> maybe is that right?
<chadmed> ah that might do it :)
<mps> heh
<chadmed> theres been quite a few m1n1 and u-boot versions since them
<MichaelLong> millenialhacker, check for HID_SUPPORT
<millenialhacker> checking.. .
<millenialhacker> MichaelLong I had that in "y"
<millenialhacker> I will try rebooting after m1n1 update, maybe is that
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<MichaelLong> k
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<millenialhacker> It worked, I was using staled m1n1/u-boot :D
<millenialhacker> Holy cow, display & keyboard brightness works now
<millenialhacker> :D
<millenialhacker> Are there any improvements in CPU Freq/Battery utilization since 6.1?
<chadmed> deep idle is there now, you might have to enable it in kconfig
<millenialhacker> that means nice suspend support right?
<chadmed> theoretically yeah
<millenialhacker> what's the entry?
<millenialhacker> ARM_APPLE_CPUIDLE?
<mps> yes, battery life is now better
<chadmed> something like that yeah
<mps> and temperature is lower
<mps> btw, is there 'knob' to put firestorm cpus to offline?
<chadmed> with deep idle and EAS (and this weekend's audio stuff) i get about 7 hours of youtube now with the speakers at moderate volume
<millenialhacker> Awesome, that means I can just kept my laptop unplugged and come back after a few days (I hope so)
<millenialhacker> I love that OSX I just close the lid, come back three weeks after and I still have battery :D
<millenialhacker> (you can't get an idea how often I use my personal laptop)
<millenialhacker> s/can't/can
<mps> not sure it will last few days, for me over night battery drain is around 10% on m1pro
<chadmed> idle time is about 12-13 hours now
<chadmed> probably better with suspend but i cbf applying the codec suspend patches and i kinda need the codecs working for audio work
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<mps> for me right speakers don't work on j316s and j293
<mps> and twitters on j316s
<chadmed> the patches fix that
<mps> chadmed: do you have url?
<mps> left speakers works on these two machines
<chadmed> they should still apply cleanly
<mps> chadmed: it doesn't apply cleanly to asahi-6.3-9
<mps> anyway thanks
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<chadmed> hmm
<mps> oh, something must be bad with downloading patch, it is 12MB size
<chadmed> ah also the V/ISENSE stuff went in
<j`ey_> it's cos it's got 1400 commits, the branch it's diffing against is wrong
<chadmed> yeah dont pull down the whole request
<j`ey_> *2200 commits
<chadmed> its just my three commits
<chadmed> they still probably wont apply because povik's made some changes to the codecs
<j`ey_> in reverse order
<chadmed> ill have to rebase and fix
<mps> that looks better
<chadmed> if you could test those and let me know if they fix codec suspend on j316 thatd be good
<chadmed> i think there was one report of it not quite working on some machine with tas2770 but i cant confirm that myself
<chadmed> they work reliably on j314
<chadmed> the "real" fix is for linux to grow shared gpio support (again) but who knows when thats going to happen
<mps> chadmed: building, will inform you in near time
<chadmed> thanks :)
<mps> thank you for hard work
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<mps> ChaosPrincess: on j316s Left/Right Woofer 1 Speaker works, rest doesn't
<mps> but twitters didn't worked earlier also
<ChaosPrincess> chadmed: i think thats for you ^ :P
<chadmed> oh hang on
<mps> ChaosPrincess: yes, sorry
<chadmed> mps: did you mean like, in general use?
<mps> playing video with mpv, and control alsa with alsamixer
<chadmed> if so i completely misunderstood, i thought you meant they stopped working after waking up from suspend
<mps> ah, no
<chadmed> yeah youll need pipewire and the DSP stuff to get tweeters and the opposed woofers
<mps> sorry. it worked after suspend fine for last few kernels
<chadmed> yeah those woofers should stay fine
<mps> after resume*
<chadmed> the tweeters and one of the opposed woofers are usually the ones that disappear after resuming
<chadmed> those patches fix that, but you wouldnt notice since you use alsa by itself
<mps> but without these patches right woofers didn't worked
<chadmed> hmm interesting
<mps> and on j293 right speakers also didn't worked
<chadmed> either way, if you want tweeters and the opposed woofers without pipewire you can have a look at what i do in pipewire and try to copy the routing with an asound.conf
<chadmed> be warned though, the results are not good
<mps> in 10 minutes I'll upgrade j293 to kernel with these patches and check
<chadmed> and you run the risk of melting your tweeters because theres nothing protecting them except the HPF inside the codec
<mps> iiuc announced speakerd will make it work safely without pipewire?
<chadmed> yeah once thats ready you shouldnt have any safety issues
<chadmed> it will all still sound terrible though
<chadmed> the DSP really is essential
<chadmed> i would recommend looking into setting up pipewire and pipewire-alsa
<chadmed> it sets up pipewire as the default alsa sink then lets pipewire/wireplumber handle the rest behind the scenes
<mps> well, my hearing is damaged long ago, so I'm not sure I will notice differences ;)
<mps> chadmed: and no changes on j293. right front/rear speakers don't works
<mps> but don't take it seriously, this j293 survived washing so I'm never sure what are real problems on it
<chadmed> its probably the way the drivers are routed in the driver/wired up on the i2c buses
<mps> though under macos speakers works fine on it
<chadmed> unfortunately this is part of the reason we cant support stuff like pure alsa and pulseaudio
<chadmed> they just arent really capable of papering over this kind of stuff
<chadmed> (in a maintainable and sane way)
<mps> hm, then I should learn to set pipewire on these machines
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<mps> is the plain distro pipewire setup enough?
<chadmed> eventually it will be yes
<chadmed> at the moment no because i rely on a downstream branch of wireplumber
<mps> installed it and run. need to find how to control it
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<chadmed> pipewire-alsa will install an asound.conf that makes pipewire the default alsa sink
<chadmed> so whatever you do for alsa will control pipewire
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<mps> uh, complicated thing. I see something running with 'wpctl status' but don't understand yet. reading now
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<mps> chadmed: I was wrong. on j293 model right speaker also work, played with Right Front ASI1 Sel in alsamixer and set it to Right and got sound from it
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