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<sid-linux> mps: You can test whether hardware acceleration is enabled by going to the address `chrome://gpu` in chromium
<sid-linux> this is an internal address recognized by chrome and something that is equivalent to `about:support` in firefox
<mps> ahm WebGPU: Disabled
<sid-linux> WebGPU is usually disabled
<sid-linux> AFAIK
<sid-linux> what is is important is WebGL
<sid-linux> and "Hardware acceleration" -- whether that is enabled or not
<mps> WebGL: Hardware accelerated
<mps> WebGL2: Hardware accelerated
<sid-linux> ( `about:support` of course in firefox is a bit broader in scope than `chrome://gpu` )
<sid-linux> yeah then I think you're OK
<mps> I don't use chromium, just installed it to test
<sid-linux> It would be interesting to delve into why WebGPU is disabled -- probably because we don't have that support for computations yet ?? Sorry I don't know much about WebGPU.
<sid-linux> Under "Graphics Feature Status" I also see Canvas, Compostiging, OpenGL, Rasterization, Video Decode as Hardware Accelerated
<ChaosPrincess> webgpu might need a higher opengl version than is supported by mesa
<sid-linux> maybe webgpu might require opencl support?
<jannau> isn't webgpu just disabled on linux except for ChromeOS?
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<jannau> I think it was for the initial release in chrome 113?
<jannau> s/?//
<sid-linux> "WebGL is a JavaScript port of the OpenGL ES 2.0 graphics library, allowing web pages to pass rendering computations directly to the device's GPU to be processed at very high speeds"
<sid-linux> And WebGPU is a successor to WebGL
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<bva> how can i get the latest asahi kernel on fedora?
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<j`ey_> bva: you have to wait for them to update the package
<j`ey_> or build it yourself manually, or update the package and build that
<bva> is 6.2.14 the latest one?
<j`ey_> no, 6.3.6
<bva> so i ran "dnf install asahi-repos-edge" but "dnf update" says "nothing to do", but still on 6.2 kernel
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