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<chadmed> hmmmm sooooo the calf bass extender actually sounds very good on j314...
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<chadmed> ydalton: also keep in mind that when discussing mmio ranges for the device its worth offsetting by the base address referenced by the device tree, because the SIPs are wired up to different addresses for different socs
<ydalton> SIP?
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<chadmed> silicon intellectual property
<chadmed> the hw block
<ydalton> ah alright
<chadmed> e.g. the firmware for avd gets loaded at ${BASE_ADDR} + 0x108000
<chadmed> 0x1080000*
<ydalton> ah thanks for the clarification
<chadmed> where base_addr is the address after the @ in the device tree
<ydalton> yeah, because i've noticed on different linux device trees the base addresses are different
<chadmed> is your machine an m1 pro/max?
<ydalton> an m2 air
<chadmed> ah
<ydalton> and that is why each device needs its own linux device tree written for it
<chadmed> yeah and why we reference addresses in mmio as an offset from the base address
<chadmed> so that anything you do in m1n1 is maximally portable
<ydalton> i.e. not hardcoded in the hv scripts
<chadmed> yeah, if you have a look at some of the other tracers you can see how we get the base address for whatever we're tracing from the machine
<chadmed> m1n1 knows about the device tree so we can just ask it to retrieve the address for us
<ydalton> hm, i see in the script avd is referenced as "/arm-io/avd0" while on mine it's just "/arm-io/avd"
<ydalton> do some models have more than one?
<chadmed> t600x (m1 pro/max/ultra) has two AVDs
<sven> ADTs are also sometimes not very consistent and changes names between xnu releases fwiw
<sven> so a slightly different name isn’t too unusual
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<ydalton> well, i tried the tracer script (with some tweaks) and it works, it's quite verbose
<ydalton> it seems to dump the page tables seemingly every millisecond
<ydalton> chadmed: thank you!
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<chadmed> ydalton: no problem, have fun
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<ydalton> okay, so i was able to extrapolate a few things from the frame param dumps:
<ydalton> 1. they are definitely not the decoded video info.
<ydalton> 2. only a few bytes in the frame param dumps are actually relevant: most of them are just zeroed out
<ydalton> 3. a lot of the bytes stay constant between dumps
<ydalton> 4. the ones that don't seem to cycle between 6 forms
<ydalton> 5. byte 16 counts up from 1, probably the number of different chunks processed
<ydalton> sorry for the multiple lines, idk how to do everything in my IRC client
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<ydalton> hm, i guess since you can upload your own firmware to the AVD coprocessor, i guess it's a pretty expensive arduino lol
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