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<marcan> sven: nice :)
<marcan> ydalton: forgetting the firmware when powered down wouldn't surprise me, the DCP M3 coprocessors get reloaded every time too.
<marcan> which might happen every frame with aggressive power management
<jannau> marcan: I found a cheap-ish used hdfury vrroom. I can test things when it arrives although I'm not sure how I would verify that the passthrough is fully transparent. their disclaimer about g-sync/freesync sounds it im might not be
<marcan> I ordered a MuxLab 4x4 which sounds like it'll do what I want, worst case I have other use cases for it
<marcan> (this is for eventual HDMI support in the Asahi CI cluster)
<jannau> yes, I assumed that
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<ydalton> marcan: "aggressive" you can say that again! luckily i can blacklist that mmio range but still
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<sven> maz: did you ever see the mac mini going into what I assume is recovery mode and just show up as "Bus 001 Device 045: ID 05ac:1901 Apple, Inc. Mac mini" after you issued a PD reboot?
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<sven> looks like it thinks that this "macOS installation" is broken for some reason
<sven> oh wait, is that just this weird PMU panic counter that I might've accidentally triggered?
<sven> yeah, that's it. i was testing the PD reboot without running any proxyclient tools inbetween which is where we reset that counter
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<sven> URGH... I ofc forgot that raspberry pi's usb was horribly broken which seems to make everything very very slow *sigh*
* sven hates usb
<TheLink> :)
<sven> okay, much more reasonable with the pi 4b. let's hope this setup works the entire next week while i'm traveling for $work :)
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