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<marcan> eiln: I don't think we particularly care about face detection at this point, let's get (good quality) frames out first :)
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<jannau> ChaosPrincess: can upload asahi-nvram and tiny-dfr to Fedora's rust packaging depends on that (don't ask me why)
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<marcan> jannau: pushed asahi-6.4-2 with your trees, only compile tested
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<jannau> thanks, it's identical to my merge and tested on m2
<j`ey> fails to build without CONFIG_ARM64_ACTLR_STATE, because the thread_struct guards the actlr member, but it's use is ungaurded
<marcan> whoops
<marcan> jannau: fixed in asahi-6.4-3
<marcan> er, j`ey
<j`ey> thanks!
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<ChaosPrincess> jannau: done
<_jannau__> thanks
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<maz> Central Scrutinizer v3.1 is alive! Just got the boards back, and a sample of 1 went through the initial smoke test without issue (including being able to use dumb cables for serial...)
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<kettenis> maz: cool!
<maz> kettenis: I'll tag the stuff later today so that people can build it.
<maz> I'm also working on being able to directly plug it to a console server (real RS232 levels)... might be useful for server-use types.
<sven> nice :)
* sven is still very happy with the previous version
<maz> I have too many dev versions now. someone takes them from my desk! :D
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<marcan> maz: maybe I should grab one, my horrible breadboard Arduino thing is... starting to show its fickleness and instability :p
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<kettenis> your should
<maz> marcan: happy to send one your way. then you can shout at me for all the bugs I've introduced in your code! ;-)
<marcan> awesome :)
<maz> marcan: send me an email in private with all the details, and I'll try to do that before I have to disappear again.
<marcan> ack
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<luk> Hi guys! I'm new here, but I have finally setup my macbook m1 to run the bare metal Asahi. I would like experiment w/ the kernel and DT a bit. I was able to build and run the kernel, but I cannot find a way to load the DT. Could you point me to some info how the dtb from the kernel is plumbed in, please? I would like to experiment with some energy efficiency and policies, but I have to modify the DT for that.
<j`ey> luk: are you using m1n1 to boot?
<j`ey> or just replacing the kernel on the disk
<luk> just replacing the kernel in /boot/ and grub change
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<j`ey> this is the script that can update the DTB
<j`ey> theyre bundled with m1n1 stage2, u-boot and the dtbs
<luk> cool, thanks! let me try that
<j`ey> it looks like it can use an environment variable DTBS, to set where to get the DTBs
<j`ey> but you should read the script, to see what it's going to do
<j`ey> (maybe take a backup of the current boot.bin etc)
<luk> sure thing, thanks
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<cy8aer> (hm, I tried 6.4.0-3. It compiles but does not start - grub gets my initrd and then black screen with cursor line. 6.4.0-1 worked. This is in brackets and I know I am running on my own risk - - Glanzmann descendent, crash on mbp14/m1pro)
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<jannau> cy8aer: did you update m1n1 / the dtbs?
<cy8aer> I am on m1n1 1.3.0 but did nothing with dtbs. Ok, how to update this?
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<jannau> cy8aer: see #asahi-alt
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