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<alyssa> 19:17 <ChaosPrincess> i did in fact at one point debugged a machine (not m1) by pointing my phone in slow-mo mode at it's screen and getting logs that way
<alyssa> ChaosPrincess: I did that for DCP debug
<alyssa> I mean errr I would have done that if I had written a DCP driver, ahem
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<tpw_rules> i''ve done that before
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<sid-linux> m1n1 question... there are various references to gxf in the m1n1 source. What is gxf ? Some sort of attached co processor? not able to get a hint from a comment anywhere...
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<sven> guarded exception level or GL2
<sid-linux> sven: thank you very much :) !
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<sid-linux> gxf question regarding _gxf_setup in gxf_asm.S -- is _gxf_setup run everytime `genter` happens or only 1 time from _gxf_init ?
<j`ey> seems only once
<j`ey> gxf_setup overwrites SYS_IMP_APL_GXF_ENTER_EL1 with _gxf_entry
<sid-linux> yes indeed thank you
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<gilvbp> Hi
<gilvbp> Any updates about air macbook 15?
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<sid-linux> `nvram boot-args=-v` seems to make macOS boot also verbose even if Asahi Linux is the default boot OS. Is that correct?
<ChaosPrincess> yes
<sid-linux> it was suprising !
<sid-linux> i thought the nvram change would be particular only to asahi... given that configuration of the OSes tends to be separate on m1/m2
<chadmed> nvram is still global
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<chadmed> apple store things like wifi and bluetooth config there
<chadmed> (thats how your asahi paired 1tr knows about your wifi network)
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<sid-linux> an interesting point chadmed -- in what way does Asahi use that? Asahi Linux needed to be told about all my wifi passwords etc. from scratch
<sid-linux> oh... i didnt read that correctly
<ChaosPrincess> the short answer is it doesnt
<chadmed> (yet)
<sid-linux> paired 1tr knows about wifi network... you said...
<ChaosPrincess> that 1tr, not linux
<chadmed> yeah 1TR, which runs macos
<ChaosPrincess> there is techincally btsync, that copies bluetooth keys over, but you need to install that manually
<chadmed> is that one of your nvram tools?
<ChaosPrincess> it uses that, but was written by jan​nau
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<_jannau__> I'd love to integrate the bt link key syncing into the default first boot but bluez makes that very annoying
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<sid-linux> might it be a good idea to have `nvram asahi-boot-args=-v` (instead of `nvram boot-args=-v` ) so that users are not suprised by macOS also booting verbosely?
<sid-linux> initially i thought I had broken something when i saw all those boot messages in the macOS
<dottedmag> note that you are in developers' channel
<ChaosPrincess> might be a good idea, send a pr :P
<dottedmag> users are not supposed to set this flag
<sid-linux> i was asking to check other developer's feedback. yes, it might be a good idea to do this as a PR
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<sid-linux> dottedmag: indeed typical users will not set this. but developers are also users and they may not want a noisy startup on their macOS...
<sid-linux> anyways just asking
<_jannau__> it is potentially dangerous to set nvram variables that macos doesn't expect, for some (which macos partially understands or understood in the past) you win a dfu restore
<ChaosPrincess> it might be more resilient now, i had previously overwritten the entire nvram with junk data and only won a blaring boot chime, and boot picker showing up
<j`ey> m1n1 doesn't check nvram itself, right? -v is converted by iBoot into a boot_arg
<sven> yeah, -v is some iBoot thing which then sets a flag in the xnubootargs. it also doesn't enable verbose boot for m1n1, it enables proxy mode iirc
<ChaosPrincess> verbose boot is a side effect of enabling the proxy in release build
<sven> ah, makes sense I guess
<sid-linux> btw you can also y have verbose mode without proxy mode. proxy mode additionally requires csrutil disable. I successfully ran with csrutil enabled but with `nvram boot-args=-v`
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<sid-linux> j`ey is correctly -- m1n1 does not check nvram. it gets boot args from the _base address
<sven> oh, right, that was changed at some point because we originally thought we could only set -v with disabled security
<sven> as I said: sven> yeah, -v is some iBoot thing which then sets a flag in the xnubootargs [...]
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<j`ey> so I think it makes sense to leave it as -v
<sven> i'm reasonably sure there's also a filter in iBoot that just drops unsupported boot args
<sid-linux> j`ey agree
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<alyssa> asahi linux snarfing wifi passwords from macos/1tr sounds terrifying and awesome
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<marcan> sven: older iboot filtered -v, newer does not, that's why I changed it
<marcan> now we actually check the csrutil status (which we get in the DT) which should be safe
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<sid-linux> is there a way of getting a textual representation of the apple device tree (adt) ? m1n1 code reads various things from it so it might be useful to be able to have a textual version for reference...
<ChaosPrincess> there is something like in m1n1, it dumps text repr to stdout
<sid-linux> (thanks !) -- we need to be running m1n1 on the proxy to be able to run this script right?
<sid-linux> *with the proxy
<ChaosPrincess> nope, it can run offline on an adt template extracted from ipsw
<ChaosPrincess> doesnt work with SAE networks unfortunately, macos doesnt write enough data into the nvram var
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<sid-linux> sorry -- can you explain "adt template extracted from ipsw" -- how do i do that ?
<alyssa> ChaosPrincess: oml
<sid-linux> (sorry still learning mac internals stuff)
<sid-linux> if its complicated, I can probably try running it via proxyclient... I assume it would work with that approach most simply?
<ChaosPrincess> grab the ipsw from i.e Firmware/all_flash/DeviceTree.j180dap.im4p , decode with openssl asn1parse -inform der -in DeviceTree.j180dap.im4p , grab the big hex blob, unhex into a file, decompress with i.e lzfse -decode -i -o DeviceTree.j180dap.im4p then do sth like python3 -m m1n1.adt DeviceTree.j180dap.im4p >dts/DeviceTree.j180dap.im4p
<j`ey> or just use m1n1 :p
<sid-linux> j`ey: by m1n1 you mean m1n1 via the proxyclient?
<ChaosPrincess> well, that does not work when i dont have the device i want to grab device tees for :P
<j`ey> ChaosPrincess: true
<j`ey> sid-linux: yeah
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