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<chadmed_> well uhh thats fun
<chadmed_> the SMC doesnt actually limit the fan speed itself to the min and max :)
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<chadmed_> so i think we definitely need to change the behaviour such that any out of bounds write just brings us back to auto control
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<chadmed_> pushed some changes to how the fans are handled when in manual mode
<chadmed_> once a fan is in manual mode, it will respond to any request for a valid speed within its min/max range. writing 0/nothing will take it out of manual mode and any attempt to write a value outside of its safe range will return -EINVAL and do nothing
<chadmed_> trying to write 0/nothing outside of manual mode will also return -EINVAL
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<sven> hrm, so i take it there is almost no rust support stuff (like, say, platform device bindings) upstream so far?
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<jannau> sven: yes, "struct device" in 6.11-rc1 is the only thing already merged. there is bits/210-gpu and support branches in rust-4-linux
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<sven> thanks! I have to rewrite half of atcphy anyway and wanted to see how much additional work just doing it in rust would be
<j`ey> sven: luckily there is another PHY in rust
<sven> nope, not the same thing
<j`ey> oh
<sven> there’s a net/phy or something like that
<j`ey> ah ok
<sven> might be useful as a template for phy/ bindings though
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<kettenis> right, make upstreaming even harder since now you have rust bindings to bikeshed about ;)
<sven> right, I thought there was more upstream already
<sven> but it’s very minimal so far unfortunately
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<sven> if it was only phy bindings I wouldn’t mind, but we’re still at the bikeshedding for basic stuff like platform_device so I think I’ll just stick to C
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<hermitfeather> Hey there, I'm new to linux development but wanted to take a shot at shaving the first yak. Before starting I wanted to get some clarification. On gnome, my current running sink is called audio_effect.j316-convolver. What it needs to be by default is alsa_output.platform-sound.HiFi__hw_AppleJ316_0__sink with the other hidden. Is this correct?
<hermitfeather> On a M1 Max MBP.
<nicolas17> <chadmed_> trying to write 0/nothing outside of manual mode will also return -EINVAL
<nicolas17> chadmed_: sounds like if it's in manual mode, writing 0/nothing once will take it out of manual mode, and doing it again will return -EINVAL, to me it seems better if that was idempotent...
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<chadmed__> nicolas17: the reason i want it to return -EINVAL is so that people don't get the impression that it should turn the fan off or do something special when manual mode is not armed
<chadmed__> i also dont want userspace tools thinking they did the right thing
<chadmed__> unfortunately theres no really "good" way to express what we need to :/
<nicolas17> hrm
<chadmed__> maybe im dense but i cant find a hwmon attr that flags "this fan can be toggled between auto/manual control" that we can use instead of doing it this way
<chadmed__> theres just HWMON_F_TARGET which we already have wired up
<nicolas17> yeah that's going way deeper than what I know
<chadmed__> im thinking that if turning the fans off proves safe we can just allow a 0 write unconditionally
<nicolas17> I was just thinking if you want 0 to mean automatic, then setting it to 0 when it's already automatic should just do nothing
<chadmed__> that does make sense
<chadmed__> ill rejig that later today and see where we end up
<nicolas17> but I have no idea how that meshes with existing userspace expectations
<chadmed__> im mainly trying to avoid unnecessary writes to the SMC by having this arming mechanism since theyre slow. like if we unconditionally allow 0 writes then we are always re-arming automatic control through the SMC which is slow
<chadmed__> of course this is _easily_ avoidable with an extra arm off the big if/else block but thats ugly :p
<chadmed__> oh nvm skill issue
<chadmed__> pushed
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