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<chadmed_> finally got REW to play nice with a sane version of openjdk
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<emxl> Hey, I was wondering why m1n1 uses "mem_size_actual" here ( instead of ram_size? "mem_size_actual" is 0 on my system (t6030).
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<jannau> emxl: apple changed the size of boot args. mem_size_actual is quite bit further down. iirc ~200-300 bytes. Ican check on a different computer. I haven't come up with a good way to handle this
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<emxl> oh ok, is changing the mapping to be "ram_size" large an acceptable fix or are you planning on abstracting the boot_args struct somehow and still using mem_size_actual for this?
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<emxl> asking because i dont quite get the point of using mem_size_actual over ram_size when the other mappings encompassing the entire memory already use "ram_size"
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<jannau> I strongly suspect we need to abstract the size away to ensure that have a consistent execution environment for macos asfter chaninloading and in the hypervisor
<jannau> I I I aslo think that we want/need to map the whole memory there
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<sven> sweet, linux has supported stuff like guard(mutex)(&atcphy->lock); with linux/cleanup.h for a while now which removes quite a bit of if (ret) goto fail_whatever; boilerplate
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<jannau> 6.10 has cleanup support for of_node
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<sven> looks like usb 2 works again with this rewrite. let's see about usb3 now
<jannau> nice. did you already undo the 2 dwc3 reverts?
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<sven> that's what i have so far
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<sven> next step is took hook usb 3 back up. hopefully without that annoying synchronization this time
<jannau> nice. I assumed you were working on the bits branch(es)
<sven> i just started over and copy/pasted stuff :D
<sven> usb 2 also seems to work with devices plugged in at boot already
<sven> though i don't remember if it was usb3 that broke that
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