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<mareko> robclark: FYI, freedreno CI down
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<mareko> daniels: can I disable freedreno CI?
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<daniels> mareko: please do
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<robclark> daniels, mareko: hmm, I guess fd-farm network acts up as soon as I'm out for the year.. I've ask someone else to kick the network for me when they get in, so it should be back in an hr or so
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<DavidHeidelberg> robclark: thanks!
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<pinchartl> robclark: the network is too scared to act up when you're around. classic
<pinchartl> 80% of the job of a dev-op is to stay around the machine to make sure they will behave
<pinchartl> the other 20% is figuring out what to do with the remains of the poor person who stuck their head in the lion's mouth without wearing the proper lion tamer outfit. metaphorically speaking of course, but it does sometimes feel that way when servers collapse
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<robclark> heheh
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<robclark> daniels, DavidHeidelberg: fd-farm seems to be making contact, so I think it's back
<mattst88> heh, should get a 5G hotspot for fd-farm :P
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<DavidHeidelberg> robclark: thanks!
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<DavidHeidelberg> eric_engestrom: any idea why am I seeing this?
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<robclark> mattst88: heh, well technically at least some of the devices in fd-farm do have LTE modems..
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