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<airlied> agd5f: will do it now
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<mareko> ACO seems to work very well with radeonsi
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<mupuf> mareko: great to hear! Any more you want to share?
<mupuf> As in, do you mean it is close to being functionally and performance equivalent? Or is it equal, or better? What apps did you use for your testing?
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<luc> hi, all, recently I do some experiment on aarch64 platform. i replace memcpy[1] with __memcpy_aarch64_simd[2] in _mesa_store_compressed_texsubimage. it turns out that the latter is almost 1x slower than the former. If I understand correctly. what _mesa_store_compressed_texsubimage() does is copying data from ram to vram. I dont know why simd does worse under the circumstance
<karolherbst> luc: memcpy is already implemented efficiently via simd instructions
<karolherbst> glibc chooses what is the fastest given the hw and input
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<karolherbst> also compilers might replace memcpy by something better as well
<luc> compared to ARM-software version, I noticed that glibc just doesn't use SIMD/FP registers,I wonder how they (simd/fp registers) make a difference.
<karolherbst> yeah.. but I'd trust them to know what they are doing and apparently they seem to do
<karolherbst> but it might be best to check with gdb what actually happens on that memcpy
<karolherbst> compilers are free to skip going through libc on any memcpy call, so it might just be that the compiler does something even smarter
<karolherbst> and by using something besides memcpy you take that freedom away from compilers
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<luc> I've checked that with gdb. sure that it is __memcpy_generic in [1] above that is chosen. so i guess what is slow are those instructions such as load/store q0.. 7
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<karolherbst> luc: out of curiousity, did you try the sve version?
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<luc> karolherbst: not yet, because my cpu is armv8-a, according to ARM reference, sve is introduced since armv8.2-a
<karolherbst> could check in /proc/cpuinfo but yeah.. it's kinda hard to find out when sve was actually introduced
<luc> in fact, __ARM_FEATURE_SVE not defined by my compiler
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<luc> karolherbst: /proc/cpuinfo shows `Features: fp asimd evtstrm aes pmull sha1 sha2 crc32 cpuid`
<karolherbst> I see
<karolherbst> yeah.. then no idea why the generic version is faster, unless there is a good reason for this
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<luc> karolherbst: thanks a lot
<cwabbott> is using the same instructions as __memcpy_generic, because with aarch64 you can assume that you have ASIMD instructions (which is what both use to load/store)
<cwabbott> the inner loop even looks very similar
<cwabbott> no idea why one would be slower
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<karolherbst> jenatali: yeah, so I didn't hit any regressions with
<jenatali> karolherbst: Great, let's land it
<jenatali> karolherbst: How long does a full CL CTS run take on rusticl?
<karolherbst> depends on the kind of the CL CTS run
<jenatali> Kind?
<karolherbst> or did you mean the run with the official runner and everything?
<karolherbst> but also FULL vs EMBEDDED matters
<jenatali> Yeah, a full run
<MrCooper> karolherbst: heads up, I'm bisecting a rusticl regression since Friday with radeonsi
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<karolherbst> my last run on zink on radv was ~3 hours apparently
<karolherbst> MrCooper: which one?
<karolherbst> I wanted to dig into one today myself ...
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<karolherbst> jenatali: zink only exposes EMBEDDED though, and on iris which does FULL it was like 10 hours?
<karolherbst> but that was like a year ago
<MrCooper> piglit program@execute@builtin@builtin-float-remquo-1.0.generated & program@execute@builtin@builtin-float-sincos-1.0.generated broke
<jenatali> Huh ok. When I did it a few years ago I was seeing closer to like 72. Not sure if I was just slow execution or if it was slow compilation
<karolherbst> yeah.. maybe rusticl being heavily threaded helps
<karolherbst> though
<karolherbst> the CTS built in release mode helps a lot
<karolherbst> but yeah... I interface with a `pipe_context` only from a special worker thread, which allows some kind of parallelism
<karolherbst> (I should compile programs in parallel though...)
<karolherbst> but I have a script which runs like evertyhing in an hour parallized
<karolherbst> or under 10 minutes with wimpy and some annoying and irrelevant tests disabled
<karolherbst> MrCooper: ahh
<karolherbst> MrCooper: on my end I have nextafter, remainder and remquo failing sometimes
<karolherbst> but also something with half vstore/vload
<karolherbst> I'll look into the vstore/vload stuff first then
<MrCooper> ~30 tests fail here ever since I started testing, these were passing until today though
<karolherbst> jenatali: maybe something serializes on conversion/math_brute_force on your end? Those tests are already threaded themselves and run on multiple CL queues
<karolherbst> and conversions is like 60% of the runtime
<karolherbst> at least for me
<jenatali> Yeah they just take forever
<jenatali> I haven't tried to do a full run recently and I'm working on perf currently so hopefully it'll be faster when I'm done
<karolherbst> Test Conversions passed in 28495.6525979s on iris
<karolherbst> roughly 8 hours full profile
<jenatali> I think my last fails actually disappeared since I last looked too (hooray shared / external libraries) so I might be able to actually submit for CL3.0 certification
<karolherbst> nice
<karolherbst> jenatali: full or embedded profile?
<karolherbst> I guess full as you don't have the image restriction issue with d3d
<jenatali> Full
<jenatali> What issue?
<karolherbst> like.. GL doesn't split samplers and textures
<karolherbst> so most drivers only support 32 read only images
<jenatali> Oh right
<karolherbst> and radeonsi wasn't interested unless anything actually needs more, as it's otherwise just pointless overhead :D
<jenatali> Yeah the one main benefit of using an external runtime+driver
<jenatali> Right
<karolherbst> MrCooper: I see
<karolherbst> MrCooper: one concerning issue is that I _sometimes_ hit this assert: test_bruteforce: ../src/gallium/auxiliary/util/u_inlines.h:83: pipe_reference_described: Assertion `count != 1' failed.
<karolherbst> kinda need to figure out what that's all about
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<karolherbst> mhh still doing mine
<karolherbst> or rather.. git bisect run is still running
<karolherbst> which of those commits though?
<karolherbst> however
<karolherbst> I think something is up with denormal flushing or rounding behavior...
<MrCooper> 17e01a9a9b743d89066ba0a42c841e9b7e7d0528 "radeonsi: merge context_reg_saved_mask and other_reg_saved_mask into a BITSET"
<karolherbst> mhhh
<karolherbst> that's going to be fun to debug
<MrCooper> will you file an issue about this?
<karolherbst> I'd probably just debug it and send a patch...
<MrCooper> even better :) thanks
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<karolherbst> my bisect ended at dbbf566588cedc72062f3d3640a0cf1bebd40af9 aco,ac/llvm,radeonsi: lower f2f16 to f2f16_rtz in nir :')
<karolherbst> I think I have to set the execution mode or something
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<karolherbst> MrCooper: ohh.. yours was fp16 stuff?
<karolherbst> ehh wait
<karolherbst> it's a vec16
<karolherbst> nvm
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<emersion> jani: enums can't be forward-declared :/
<jani> emersion: welcome to gcc, they can!
<emersion> jani, hm, but how does the compiler decide on the size?
<emersion> is there a flag to make all enums int or something?
<jani> emersion: of course, you shouldn't ever put that in an abi, but within a kernel build it'll always be the same
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<CounterPillow> why did they add that particular footgun to the compiler?
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<emersion> p e r f o r m a n ce
<emersion> i hope C23 enums can be forward-declared if you specify the underlying type
<jani> I think that's what modern C++ has
<bl4ckb0ne> CounterPillow: saving a few bits
<bl4ckb0ne> back 78 those were expensive
<HdkR> forward declaring enums is valid since C++11, just need to be explicit about the sizing :)
<karolherbst> bl4ckb0ne: still could have made it explicit
<karolherbst> though that's easy to say 45 laters
<karolherbst> *45 years
<bl4ckb0ne> indeed
<karolherbst> though back then C was also more like assembly on steroids if anything
<bl4ckb0ne> better late than never eh
<HdkR> Oh cool, C23 gains the same `enum Enum : int` explicit sizing as C++11
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<karolherbst> yeah..
<karolherbst> C23 is another huge release (finally)
<CounterPillow> Now we just have to wait 20 years to be able to use it in the kernel :)
<karolherbst> and then in 2035 we'll get a mesa MR defaulting to it
<bl4ckb0ne> do you think msvc will have full support by then?
<CounterPillow> Partial but only if you pretend it's C++
<karolherbst> by 2035 MS will have ditched the NT kernel and uses linux anyway (and long ditched MSVC for something llvm based)
<jani> emersion: actually it's not always the same, but the caller needs to have the complete type before it can make the call
<jani> emersion: so you can't call functions with the wrong size
<emersion> i see
<karolherbst> sounds like an oversight, they should have allowed it for extra cursedness
<jani> :)
<karolherbst> MrCooper: .... can you confirm that your issue goes away with MESA_SHADER_CACHE_DISABLE=1?
<karolherbst> what a pain issue
<karolherbst> so it fails for me on the first run compiling things
<karolherbst> and then passes
<karolherbst> well.. apparently that's not even true
<karolherbst> pain
<karolherbst> anyway...
<karolherbst> I think the cache is broken
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<jenatali> bl4ckb0ne: I think MSVC will probably have full support for C23 within a year or two if I had to guess
<bl4ckb0ne> thats good to know
<jenatali> Just a guess FWIW, I don't have insider knowledge on their timelines for that stuff
<jenatali> But they finally added C11 threads ( so it seems like they actually care a bit about C now
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<MrCooper> karolherbst: nope, fails even with MESA_SHADER_CACHE_DISABLE=1
<karolherbst> mhhh
<karolherbst> I wonder if my issue is the same, but it's quite random
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<karolherbst> and I need to run ~7 times with the cache disabled to either hit it or not
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<cmarcelo> jenatali: best part of that MSVC news for me: struct whatever w = {}; will work for it now.
<karolherbst> pain.. I always bisect towards nonsense commits :(
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<jenatali> cmarcelo: Hm? Is that a thing being added in C23?
<MrCooper> karolherbst: it's been consistent for me so far, I've only done low double-digit number of tests though
<cmarcelo> jenatali: yes. you can use = {} instead of = {0} to zero initialize structs.. that is helpful in some edge cases too (nested structs etc). it was already supported in clang/gcc as compiler extensions for a while.
<jenatali> Oh cool
<karolherbst> MrCooper: mhh.. maybe I'm debugging a different bug then
<MrCooper> seems likely
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<karolherbst> let's see how many attempts it will take to find the culprit :')
<cmarcelo> jenatali: and from my understanding it also will zero the padding bits (!)
<jenatali> :O
<karolherbst> it's not already guarnateed?
<karolherbst> or will {} != { 0 } then?
<cmarcelo> I don't think is guaranteed :-( my understanding is that will be different. trying to parse out the spec proposals.
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<bwidawsk> so there were a few patches which landed for 23.3 (started with 9ec9849c85e8202cb) that leandrohrb56 authored and that emersion and daniels reviewed which essentially stop me from using VKMS as an EGL renderer. I'm wondering what the right path would be for me to run my test suite now
<bwidawsk> at least I think this is the case...
<emersion> bwidawsk: why do they stop you from doing that?
<bwidawsk> I think the main one is I lose dmabuf import apparently
<emersion> sounds like a bug
<cmarcelo> karolherbst: AFAICT "= {0}" didn't guaranteed to also zero the padding. empty initializer "= {}" guarantees that.
<karolherbst> cursed
<karolherbst> the same for the compiler extensions?
<emersion> eh, really?
<bwidawsk> emersion:
<bwidawsk> ```
<bwidawsk> 2023-12-12T17:35:10.212251Z DEBUG main: smithay::backend::egl::display: Supported EGL client extensions: ["EGL_EXT_client_extensions", "EGL_EXT_device_base", "EGL_EXT_device_enumeration", "EGL_EXT_device_query", "EGL_EXT_platform_base", "EGL_KHR_client_get_all_proc_addresses", "EGL_KHR_debug", "EGL_EXT_platform_device", "EGL_EXT_explicit_device", "EGL_EXT_platform_wayland", "EGL_KHR_platform_wayland", "EGL_EXT_platform_x11",
<bwidawsk> "EGL_KHR_platform_x11", "EGL_EXT_platform_xcb", "EGL_MESA_platform_gbm", "EGL_KHR_platform_gbm", "EGL_MESA_platform_surfaceless"]
<bwidawsk> ```
<bwidawsk> sorry, wrong one
<bwidawsk> I meant this
<bwidawsk> ```
<bwidawsk> 2023-12-12T17:35:10.248792Z INFO main: smithay::backend::egl::display: Supported EGL display extensions: ["EGL_EXT_create_context_robustness", "EGL_KHR_cl_event2", "EGL_KHR_config_attribs", "EGL_KHR_context_flush_control", "EGL_KHR_create_context", "EGL_KHR_create_context_no_error", "EGL_KHR_fence_sync", "EGL_KHR_get_all_proc_addresses", "EGL_KHR_gl_colorspace", "EGL_KHR_gl_renderbuffer_image", "EGL_KHR_gl_texture_2D_image",
<bwidawsk> "EGL_KHR_gl_texture_3D_image", "EGL_KHR_gl_texture_cubemap_image", "EGL_KHR_image_base", "EGL_KHR_no_config_context", "EGL_KHR_reusable_sync", "EGL_KHR_surfaceless_context", "EGL_EXT_pixel_format_float", "EGL_KHR_wait_sync", "EGL_MESA_configless_context", "EGL_MESA_drm_image", "EGL_MESA_query_driver", ""]
<bwidawsk> ```
<bwidawsk> oh hang on a sec
<bwidawsk> maybe it's my fault, let me check something else
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<bwidawsk> daniels, emersion, leandrohrb56: It was my mistake. It was falling back to gles renderer instead of using pixman as it was supposed to be.
<cmarcelo> karolherbst: the GCC extension seems to do that (zero padding), although it not really documented. also looks like in practice gcc/clang already treat "={0}" == "={}". will keep an eye open to see what MSVC will do here.
<karolherbst> yeah, it's also often faster to just initialize it all in one go, because vector instructions
<vsyrjala> iirc c23 mandates ={} to make sense. ie. padding is also zeroed
<cmarcelo> vsyrjala: yes
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<vsyrjala> oh that was exactly what is being disuccsed :)
* vsyrjala didn't look far back
<vsyrjala> if only constexpr for functions had been included as well :(
<jenatali> I just did :)
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<cmarcelo> jenatali: voted
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<karolherbst> mareko: while you are here, are you aware of any recent regression inside radeonsi in regards to the shader compiler _sometimes_ producing different/wrong code? Should be 2-3 weeks old change, but I'm still haveing troubles figuring out what's actually going on here. Just wondeirng if you know something
<mupuf> mareko: thanks!
<mareko> karolherbst: if it's the bitset thing, try to use CLEAR instead of SET
<mareko> in si_compute.c
<mareko> for the saved registers
<karolherbst> not quite sure yet.. I need to run a test ~15 times to properly detect the regression, so my git bisect runs are kinda... unreliable so far
<karolherbst> yeah.. MrCooper bisected to that I think
<karolherbst> 17e01a9a9b743d89066ba0a42c841e9b7e7d0528 specifically
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<karolherbst> I might end up at the same commit
<mareko> BITSET_SET_RANGE is 100% wrong, it should be CLEAR
<karolherbst> okay, thanks :) will try that out then
<mareko> the previous code used a bitmask and it set 0
<karolherbst> that one inside si_launch_grid?
<mareko> there should be only one in that file
<karolherbst> okay, must be that one then
<mareko> it's rather obvious from the bad commit
<karolherbst> yeah, now that I found the spot it indeed looks wrong
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<karolherbst> will need to run the test in a loop for a while to be sure it fixes it :)
<soreau> could it cause gpu hangs or app crashes?
<karolherbst> I've seen such happening but not sure if it was caused by that
<mareko> only with rusticl, clover, or CDNA
<karolherbst> mareko: yeah.. so it looks better, do you want to submit an MR or should I?
<karolherbst> I'll do more testing to make sure it's better
<mareko> feel free to do it
<karolherbst> okay, once I run more tests I'll open one then
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<ChaosPrincess> is there any documentation on how tessellation control shaders are compiled? even a very simple one that only sets the levels and passes through one variable (tes_color[gl_InvocationID] = tcs_color[gl_InvocationID]) turns into a huge pile of bcsels and control flow.
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<airlied> ChaosPrincess: for what gpu?
<ChaosPrincess> asahi, but that is me dumping nir quite early, right at the beginning of agx_compile_variant
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<airlied> not sure where they lower tess to compute and do actual tessellation
<airlied> might need alyssa to appear
<ChaosPrincess> they don't. i am looking at input nir that is being passed from opengl compiler to driver-specific code
<airlied> NIR_DEBUG=print_tcs might be a good place to look
<jenatali> ChaosPrincess: IIRC it comes out of the GLSL frontend that way
<ChaosPrincess> print_tcs says the offending pass is gl_nir_lower_buffers
<jenatali> Ah, looks like it's probably nir_lower_indirect_derefs which just isn't wrapped in NIR_PASS_V so it doesn't print
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