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<CounterPillow> wow I love all these academic non-issues destroying performance in real workloads
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<kode54> Btw, regarding the AMD mitigation there
<kode54> Might be wise to make sure the microcode is up to date
<kode54> If it’s not an Epyc or threadripper, it’s not in linux-firmware
<kode54> And if something is using dracut, their AMD microcode handling is currently broken due to cat’ing the readme into the authenticamd.bin blob
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<jenatali> alatiera: any progress towards higher Windows runner capacity? Looks like the first Windows break already landed while Mesa CI has it disabled :(
<jenatali> FWIW I'm checking about getting funding for an Azure runner for Mesa
<jenatali> Fingers crossed, I haven't gotten a flat-out no yet
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<DavidHeidelberg> mupuf: you use this bit in your TronCI, right? you may want to drop A-b/R-b :)
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<mupuf> DavidHeidelberg: nice find, will try :)
<mupuf> My friend Andy already reviewed it :)
<DavidHeidelberg> great sunny days we'll await, now I'll have to kick CH348 serial also :(
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<pulsey> Is Mesa 23.3.0 supposed to install liblua after executing `meson install -C build`?
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<DavidHeidelberg> pulsey: looking at "" files it seems not
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<pulsey> I tried to build a rpm for mesa 23.3.0 and the installation fails due to missing liblua. I am able to successfully build and install(rpm) for version 23.1.9
<pulsey> Am i supposed to install lua on my own?
<pulsey> Looking at this merge request, it seems like they tried to fix this exact issue. Not sure whether it is part of 23.3.0?
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<DavidHeidelberg> pulsey: apply the patch, it's not marked for stable, so it isn't
<pulsey> OK. In that case, 23.3.0 should be marked as build failing?
<DavidHeidelberg> pulsey: I sent MR for Alpine and 23.3.0 builded just fine, it most likely depends on the conditions. If you the system LUA would be used, I think this wouldn't happen
<DavidHeidelberg> s/builded/built/
<pulsey> my system has lua 5.3.
<pulsey> I just executed meson install --destdir /media/builddir -C build and liblua files are not copied at all, so this definitely requires a fix for those systems or mark lua 5.4 as an dependency.
<pulsey> BTW my meson version is 1.2.0 and ninja is version 1.9.0. Not sure whether it matters.
<DavidHeidelberg> pulsey: try to sums your setup + logs into an issue, please :)
<pulsey> yeah. Let me clean and try one more time.
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