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<airlied> mupuf: so problem with navi21?
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<airlied> zzoon[m]: okay the anv av1 decoder is decoding one frame, subsequenct frames aren't correct
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<mupuf> airlied: FFS, yes
<mupuf> thanks!
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<mripard> narmstrong: -fixes should be fixed now
<narmstrong> mripard: indeed, perfect thx
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<zmike> mareko: is the reason radeonsi doesn't export PIPE_CAP_ALLOW_DYNAMIC_VAO_FASTPATH because it has vstate draws?
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<carbonfiber> I got a historical question. As far as I can see, then xf86-input-evdev was released in 2004. But evdev is from 1999. Was there a different X11 evdev driver before xf86-input-dev existed?
<carbonfiber> before xf86-input-evdev existed*
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<urja> 2004 is also the year Xorg was forked from XFree86, so ... check if XFree86 had an evdev driver?
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<carbonfiber> urja: I tried that already. Could not find anything. But not sure if that is because I am bad at finding it, or because it did not exist.
<airlied> I think nobody cared before 2004 about using evdev and just used keyboard/mouse drivers
<carbonfiber> but then I have a follow up question. What was evdev used for if not for X11 input?
<airlied> the console used them initially
<urja> gamepads?
<urja> i'm not sure lol
<carbonfiber> ok. not trying to be annoying with all these follow-up questions. but why did the console use evdev instead of just using the keyboard? I don't really associate the linux console with needing anything more than a "dumb" keyboard?
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<airlied> usb keyboards I think changed things
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<carbonfiber> ok. thanks.
<airlied> I think there were also some hacky mouse/keyboard patches to use evdev for a while that never got upstream
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<zzoon[m]> <airlied> "zzoon: okay the anv av1 decoder..." <- great news! I'm going to take a look after travelling.
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