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<dj-death> karolherbst: this case I'm dealing with is kind of annoying
<dj-death> karolherbst: how do I build a non cast deref with a different type than the structure or structure fields
<dj-death> I guess I could do this with arrays...
<dj-death> because I can't have a load_deref of the original struct
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<dj-death> I guess all I can do here is teach nir_lower_vars_to_ssa about those llvm derefs
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<dj-death> ah wtf
<dj-death> even if I call nir_lower_vars_to_explicit_types
<dj-death> it doesn't give a explicit stride to some of the temp variables
<dj-death> lol
<dj-death> yeah, all structs are created without an explicit_stride
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<dj-death> and of course all the stride fields are not saved in blobs
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<u-amarsh04> if anyone able to help get me started with git-bisecting mesa under Debian?
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<karolherbst> dj-death: uhh.. that doesn't sound too good :') guess we may have to focus on cleaning this all up
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<dj-death> karolherbst: yeah :(
<dj-death> karolherbst: it's kind of hard if you have non vec4 types of structs
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<dj-death> I'm loading indirect structs and they're vec5
<karolherbst> oh no
<karolherbst> I do wonder though what we want to do about implicit strides...
<karolherbst> like in the trivial case where the cast has a stride, but we haven't assigned one to the struct fields
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<dj-death> I have this struct which is local and 18 dwords
<dj-death> it gets packed into 10 dwords
<dj-death> how stufff gets packed in the local data is completely irrelevant
<dj-death> but yeah we're completely unable to put all of that in ssa values atm
<dj-death> I almost wonder if it's not just easier once everything has been lower to scratch load/stores to build back ssa values out of it :)
<karolherbst> dj-death: I _think_ this is the proper fix for the original kernel:
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<karolherbst> but yeah.. still hitting an assert.. let's see what's the problem there..
<karolherbst> 32x4 %54 = @load_global (%52) (access=none, align_mul=8, align_offset=0)
<karolherbst> @store_scratch (%54, %7 (0x0)) (align_mul=256, align_offset=0, wrmask=xyzw)
<karolherbst> 64 %55 = @load_scratch (%25 (0x8)) (align_mul=256, align_offset=8)
<karolherbst> 64 %56 = @load_scratch (%7 (0x0)) (align_mul=256, align_offset=0)
<karolherbst> 🙃
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<karolherbst> I think that's your vec4 problem
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<naveenk2> HI Nemesa
<nemesaga> Hi Naveen
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<adarshgm> test msg
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<nemesaga> Hi All
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<u-amarsh04> I'm trying to git bisect mesa under Debian / Devuan and have only git bisected kernels before. Are there any up-to-date guides to help?
<karolherbst> u-amarsh04: you want to use `meson devenv` so you won't have to install stuff
<karolherbst> but that's pretty much it
<karolherbst> just write your reproduce script and use `git bisect run`
<karolherbst> or do it manual if you can't automate it
<u-amarsh04> so if I have git source in /usr/src/mesa and from in that directory have run "meson setup ../meson-test", what next?
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<dj-death> karolherbst: I'm starting to think lower_vars_to_ssa needs an upgrade
<dj-death> karolherbst: we should really be able to remap everything if all accesses are not indexed with dynamic values
<karolherbst> yeah...
<dj-death> take the whole struct size
<dj-death> split it into vec4s
<dj-death> rebuild the casts
<dj-death> I mean even vec16 right
<dj-death> if it's all constant offsets, it'll get splitted correctly
<karolherbst> it would probably be enough to just take into account actual location instead to just look at the logical paths
<karolherbst> though we don't always have this information when calling into vars_to_ssa
<karolherbst> we could require explicit types, but then we need to fix a couple of passes who can choke on that
<karolherbst> though maybe only nir_opt_memcpy needs fixing
<karolherbst> ehh
<dj-death> explicit types is another issue on its own :)
<karolherbst> maybe those things got fixed actually
<karolherbst> well
<karolherbst> you don't know the size of a struct without explict types
<karolherbst> so taking the size into account is impossible without that
<dj-death> the fact that we lower explicit types and the explicit_stride is still 0
<dj-death> that's completely broken
<dj-death> that's probably step0
<karolherbst> I sadly don't know what was the reason for that, but gfxstrand might be able to tell
<karolherbst> though I think explicit stride is only set in vtn by creating the type
<dj-death> it's never set on structs
<dj-death> only arrays & matrix
<karolherbst> yeah, because structs don't have explicit strides
<karolherbst> I think the bug is rather that we shouldn't rely on the explicit stride being set at all
<karolherbst> _though_
<karolherbst> having like this duality also sucks
<karolherbst> but this smells like "spend a month to rework all of this" to change how we do things here
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<dj-death> can't we just special case with nir->info.stage == MESA_SHADER_KERNEL and glsl_get_cl_size ? :)
<karolherbst> I don't see how that would actually help? Because the fix is to not rely on the explicit stride anyway
<karolherbst> I think
<karolherbst> though I think that assigning a stride to every type is probably the better long term solution here and just rely on that. In any case, we should discuss with gfxstrand before somebody spends a lot of time on this and then we decide something else
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<thellstrom> Has there been any discussion about using __GFP_ACCOUNT for user-mode triggered allocations in the kernel mode drivers? I can imagine starting adding that in existing drivers may break existing setups. But for new drivers, is this a good time to audit for such allocations and add it?
* alyssa would like to get rid of SHADER_KERNEL someday
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<sima> thellstrom, doing that for system ram gpu allocations is pretty much what the last big cgroups discussion boiled down to
<sima> it's just kinda a pile of work
<karolherbst> alyssa: that requires fixing zink :')
<sima> thellstrom, wrt the backwards compat thing, I figured we'll just do a Kconfig
<karolherbst> or well.. rework how gl sampler/textures work
<sima> since it's kinda a distro choice
<sima> but that means when we have it, we should at least try to account consistently across drivers
<karolherbst> not sure we have any other reasons why there is still KERNEL
<sima> which I don't think is that much work since almost everyone uses helpers nowadays
<sima> the other fun part is that you kinda need a cgroups aware shrinker or it'll not work out great at all
<thellstrom> sima: I was thinking of starting adding it initially to things we can't really shrink. Like persistent structure allocations triggered by user-space etc. But yeah for shrinkable buffer object memory, cgroups-aware shrinkers would be needed.
<sima> thellstrom, I fear a bit that if we're very piecemeal then we need a new opt-in every time we add a substantial amount of memory
<sima> but if we start out with gem bo accounting first, then adding the other bits should only ever really catch abusive applications that e.g. create a ton of ctx they don't actually use
<sima> thellstrom, t j mercier did work on this last, including some charge transfer stuff that android would need, for otherwise it all lands in the central allocator binder process
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<sima> thellstrom, I chatted with mlankhorst about this earlier this week and also dropped a few links there, can dig them out again if you want
<thellstrom> NP. I can ping mlankhorst if needed. This was more like a general question whether it was a "No, don't do that" thing.
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<zmike> dj-death: is there any progress on making anv work again or do I need to just locally revert however many patches
<dj-death> zmike: not yet
<zmike> 🤕
<karolherbst> could use llvm-16 locally
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<dj-death> zmike: probably going to implement that stupid scratch to ssa plan
<u-amarsh04> karolherbst - thanks, I think that I have it working now
<karolherbst> dj-death: how would that work though?
<karolherbst> like...
<karolherbst> we need to be able to optimize it all before explicit_types
<karolherbst> or rather...
<karolherbst> before explicit_io
<karolherbst> but maybe running explicit_types twice or moving scratch size calculation elsewhere might actually work?
<dj-death> after explicit_io
<dj-death> because I know my shaders
<dj-death> with a special intel_clc --fuck-you-llvm-17
<karolherbst> but then you can't calculate a new scratch_size
<karolherbst> ahh.. so intel_clc specific pass then?
<dj-death> I assume it'll be 0
<karolherbst> right...
<dj-death> dirty
<karolherbst> probably good enough until we properly fix it
<dj-death> but at least that'll make zmike happy
<dj-death> yeah
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<zmike> generally being able to init drivers does make me happy, yes
<zmike> MrCooper: did you have additional comments or just the one
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<dj-death> karolherbst: it's interesting that all the function stuff is using scratch
<dj-death> karolherbst: and yet once you inline it goes away magically
<alyssa> dj-death: i hit this with libagx too, yeah
<alyssa> The big culprit are return values
<dj-death> but that seems okay for me
<alyssa> which are derefs in NIR so we're forced to use scratch variables for me
<alyssa> s/me/them/
<alyssa> but after inlining, vars_to_ssa chews through them and makes the variables go away
<alyssa> but scratch_size is never decremented
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<zmike> dj-death: will test in a bit
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<karolherbst> dj-death: why is it interesting that function uses scratch? where else would you put it (besides SSA values)?
<karolherbst> or do you mean the function parameters?
<dj-death> karolherbst: yeah parameters
<karolherbst> that's probably because kernels are cursed...
<karolherbst> you can read up on some of the kernel wrapper we emit inside spirv_to_nir
<karolherbst> but memory has to go somewhere anyway
<dj-death> could be something else
<dj-death> like stack
<karolherbst> but I think most of it is due to llvm placing anything bigger always in memory? but the spirv way of passing things by value is also by putting them into function memory
<karolherbst> and then pass in pointers
<karolherbst> and yeah.. CL allows you to take pointers to stack memory :)
<karolherbst> though I think the reason we end up with so many pointers as function arguments is because that's how LLVM and the translator work
<dj-death> because for instance execute in RT pipelines goes into a different memory location than scratch for us
<karolherbst> mhhh
<karolherbst> we could potentially make use of other memory regions, but not quite sure how that all would look like as CL Creally has a stronger model here than GLSL
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<jenatali> dj-death: isn't scratch the same as stack?
<dj-death> jenatali: what do you mean?
<jenatali> alyssa: yeah see the long discussion around scratch_size yesterday and how it's currently terrible. You have to reset it and re-run vars to explicit types after optimizations
<jenatali> dj-death: my interpretation of scratch is that it's equivalent to the C concept of stack memory
<alyssa> jenatali: yep (:
<karolherbst> I fixed it for rusticl today 🙃
<dj-death> jenatali: yeah, that's not really how our HW works
<dj-death> jenatali: we have a special way to store scratch, which offsets magically per lane
<karolherbst> jenatali: depends on how you look at it... technically CL private is more like thread local storage and CL local is more like CPU C stack?
<karolherbst> just without dedicated hardware
<dj-death> jenatali: but that only works if you don't reorder thread through shader calls (which our HW does)
<dj-death> jenatali: so we have to store stack stuff somewhere else, independent of HW thread location
<karolherbst> wait...
<karolherbst> that's kinda cursed
<jenatali> Oh sure, scratch is like stack from the single threaded POV, where local is like stack from the SIMT POV
<karolherbst> dj-death: so you basically have to use a global buffer and offset per thread manually?
<dj-death> karolherbst: correct
<dj-death> for the stack
<dj-death> we only use that in the RT pipelines atm
<karolherbst> yeah.. figures
<karolherbst> anyway... trying to figure out to fix this other issue with scratch..
<karolherbst> dj-death: uhh.. how can I figure out the easiest way which kernels (as in the CL C code) causes issues?
<dj-death> karolherbst: from what I've seen it's mostly structure
<dj-death> karolherbst: and temps
<karolherbst> I mean.. sure, but I still want to see the code so I can copy it instead of trying to figure out the examples myself
<dj-death> karolherbst: like a fairly large private structure (20 dwords) passed by pointer to a function
<dj-death> and the function picking some values to do something else with it
<dj-death> I can only give you some example of what is causing problems there
<dj-death> s/there/here/
<karolherbst> yeah, that would be good enough for now
<dj-death> okay, let me try to generate a few
<karolherbst> like.. if you hav ethe code or should I just dump whatever gets passed into compiler_shader?
<dj-death> I mean it's all upstream
<dj-death> but then I can simplify it
<karolherbst> I tihnk I just want a way to dump what's generated or so...
<karolherbst> or well..
<karolherbst> maybe I just hack clc and dump the code for me or something
<dj-death> yeah you can dump out what comes out of clc
<dj-death> I'm not sure what form you want
<dj-death> SPIRV? OpenCL C? NIR?
<karolherbst> CLC
<dj-death> you can run the intel-clc command with -t /tmp/out.txt
<karolherbst> ahh, nice
<dj-death> it'll print out the concatenation of all .cl files
<dj-death> just take whatever is in the ninja file
<dj-death> or just touch one of the cl file and ninja --verbose
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<zmike> dj-death: yes
<dj-death> zmike: thanks
<karolherbst> okay.. seems like my fix already takes care of some of those issues
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<karolherbst> dj-death: that's how I'm testing that stuff now with :D
<karolherbst> and piglits cl-program-tester
<karolherbst> (and adjusted -I flags)
<karolherbst> it's kinda nice, I can just change variables to constant to simplify the code and stuff
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<dj-death> karolherbst: oh nice
<karolherbst> but yeah.. looking at that vec4 stuff now.. that's an odd one
<dj-death> yep
<dj-death> tweaking the structure size, I've seen different patterns
<dj-death> with vec2 as well
<dj-death> I support for 6 dwords
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<karolherbst> pain
<karolherbst> like.. the difference between llvm-16 and 17 here is.. "small" but it leads to entirely different code paths
<karolherbst> with llvm-16 I see a cast to u8*, with llvm-17 a cast to u64*
<abhinav__> vsyrjala jani hi GM. Can I pls get your reviews on and
<karolherbst> the reason llvm-17 ends up with u64* here is, because the translatoe "guesses" the function signature of the called function by looking at the pointer types it has atm, because LLVM doesn't have typed pointers anymore
<karolherbst> soooo
<karolherbst> e.g. if you call into memcpy, it might not be a void* thing, but a u64* thing or whatever
<karolherbst> anyway.. now we optimize that one cast to a `deref_struct` thing :D
<karolherbst> soooo
<karolherbst> okay
<karolherbst> here is the _actual_ difference
<karolherbst> `nir_opt_memcpy` was able to recognize that the copy copies between two values of the same type and deconstructs it
<karolherbst> or rather
<karolherbst> converts memcpy_deref -> copy_deref
<karolherbst> and we end up using scratch with llvm-17 because of nir_lower_memcpy
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<karolherbst> but ultimately that means that the cast -> deref_struct optimization, breaks this use pattern
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<jani> abhinav__: when I see patches don't apply, I usually just move on and wait for them to be fixed and
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<abhinav__> jani strange, I had sent it on top of drm-next
<abhinav__> is there a different branch for the intel CI i should follow
<jani> abhinav__: it's recommended to do development on drm-tip
<jani> it's a bit like linux-next for graphics
<jani> atm drm-next is a few pull requests behind at least on drm-misc-next and drm-intel-next
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<abhinav__> jani thanks, I will use drm-tip and post those again. we will need one help though, once reviewed and merged onto intel tree, we will need a tag with those patches so that we can base our tree on top of that as one series of ours needs those.
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<lumag> jani, regarding abhinav__'s request. The depending series has mostly passed the reviews, so if possible we'd like to skip unnecessary delays.
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<karolherbst> do we have a handy nir helper to iterate over all uses of a def?
<karolherbst> oh... *_foreach_use_*
<karolherbst> dj-death: fixed :3
<dj-death> karolherbst: oh thanks, will give this a try
<karolherbst> what a mess honestly..
<karolherbst> but I think a fix here might actually also help optimizing better in a few corner cases regardless of llvm being weird
<karolherbst> maybe we want to have better memcpy opts 🤷
<dj-death> testing ETA 45mn :)
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<zmike> mareko: you probably know this off the top of your head - is it legal for e.g., a vertex attrib to be set with vertexArrayAttribFormat(R8_UINT) and then the shader attribute is type int?
<zmike> I've skimmed core and glsl specs and I haven't yet found anything disallowing it
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<sarthakbhatt> Hi, I'm trying to fork the mesa repo but unfortunately I'm not able to fork it. I'm kinda new to mesa.
<sarthakbhatt> thank you for the help. now I can fork it.
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