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<dcbaker> soreau: it’s been discussed. Also discussed changing the way libdrm is distributed
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<abhinav__> jani vsyrjala Hi, we wanted to re-use API for one of our features for msm so wanted to move it to a generic helper location. I was thinking of drm_dp_helper but lumag suggested hdmi.c .... so we wanted to get your opinion on what would be more
<abhinav__> appropriate for this API
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<thellstrom> mripard:, ack to push this to drm-misc-next? Fixes xe CI compilation failure.
<mripard> thellstrom: ack
<thellstrom> Thx
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<glehmann> looks like the isl docs are broken in CI and are causing unrelated MRs to fail?
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<jani> glehmann: I presume caused by - but how did that not fail? did it even run the docs tests?
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<daniels> janesma: ^
<daniels> jani: the isl mr didn't change any docs, so we didn't re-run the doc build ...
<jani> daniels: yeah one downside of using clang to parse source is that it actually needs to be proper C
<daniels> also the files it's attempting to parse need to exist
<jani> daniels: looks like it'll be sufficient to add an empty stub file under docs/header-stubs. I'll send a MR after a meeting
<daniels> kiitos :)
<jani> eipä kestä!
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<jani> test-docs-mr job succeeds
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<jani> glehmann: ^
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<glehmann> jani: thanks
<jani> glehmann: np, turned out to be simple
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<Hazematman> Hey does anyone know of a portable way I can create a sync file from userspace in Linux? I'm looking at the `VK_KHR_external_fence_fd` & `VK_KHR_external_semaphore_fd` extensions for lavapipe and I think because of the "copy payload transference semantics" of sync files I could get away with returning a sync file that is always signaled for exporting a fence/semaphore? Right now I think I could do this using libdrm `drmSyncobjCreate` &
<Hazematman> `drmSyncobjExportSyncFile`. But I want to try and figure out if there is a way I could do this without using drm at all
<dj-death> Hazematman: you can do the ioctl yourself
<Hazematman> dj-death: the drm ioctl? Or are you implying there is an ioctl to create sync files? I'm trying to avoid not just libdrm right now but the entire drm API so just doing the drm ioctl myself doesn't solve the problem if I don't have a drm driver available
<dj-death> Hazematman: ah right
<dj-death> I know IGT uses /dev/sw_sync
<dj-death> but maybe you can't turn that on without being root
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<Hazematman> Did not know about `/dev/sw_sync` let me check that out and see if it works. Thanks dj-death !
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<dj-death> daniels: let me know if you're happy with !26797
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<daniels> dj-death: c'est bon
<daniels> /dev/sw_sync is not portable; you can use the drm functions to create a syncobj (which is a drm-only concept, not generic), but there is no generic way to materialise a sync_file from userspace and never will be
<daniels> sync_file is explicitly only there to represent work which has already been committed to the hardware (or at least flushed down to the kernel) and can be relied upon to complete 'pretty quickly'; allowing userspace to control sync_files completely breaks that promise
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<dj-death> daniels: thanks :)
<daniels> np!
<dj-death> so now I have to fix the sphinx stuff
<daniels> my condolences
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<Hazematman> <daniels> "sync_file is explicitly only..." <- I don't really need a generic sync_file. Because of the quirks on how lavapipe/llvmpipe works and how the vulkan spec states that you can only export a sync file for a sync object that is signaled or queued to be signaled, the sync file that would be exported will always be signaled. Having the equivalent of `dma_fence_get_stub` from userspace would be useful in this case to get a sync file
<Hazematman> that is always signaled
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<vsyrjala> abhinav__: drm_dp_helper.c already has the vsc_sdp_log stuff. seems related. though someone could also start thinking about splitting things up in a more fine grained fashion i guess
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* ngcortes ->jf
<abhinav__> vsyrjala thanks, we will post it in drm_dp_helper and see how things work
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<KungFuJesus> mairacanal: were you able to reproduce that crash?
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<mareko> gerddie67: hi, are you able to bisect where virgl is failing this? also, any idea why it's failing?
<karolherbst> jenatali: any further comments/replies to ? I kinda want to land it, becasue it fixes things
<jenatali> karolherbst: Did I have any comments on that in the first place?
<karolherbst> ohh shoo, wrong link
<jenatali> 🤷‍♂️
<jenatali> I don't really have any opinions tbh. It just seems like all of those bitfields are set by gather_info
<karolherbst> only some are
<karolherbst> I think it makes sense to move it into gather_info, but then I think it's better to move everything in one go and not Cc: stable
<jenatali> Fair enough
<karolherbst> the patch is just to match GLs lowering and it was only added to radeonsi and I think that's the reason why the non deref variant doesn't have it anyway
<karolherbst> so yeah.. probably want to clean it up
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