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<robclark> DemiMarie: more like different use-cases.. if it takes too long to render a single frame you might as well give up and declare context-lost.. whereas there are legit use-cases for long-running compute shaders, and there is vastly less state to save/restore.. so different trade-offs lead to different results
<DemiMarie> robclark: I do wish that context loss was much less disruptive.
<DemiMarie> Why do you need to reset the whole GPU, instead of just aborting the computation?
<robclark> that is mostly an app problem
<DemiMarie> yes, but unfortunately there are tons of broken apps
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<robclark> aborting the computation == undefined state... resetting gpu == defined state
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<DemiMarie> robclark: only partially undefined
<DemiMarie> And resetting the GPU tears down lots of other processes
<DemiMarie> The huge blast radius of a problem is my main complaint.
<robclark> if done correctly, it should effect other processes
<robclark> shouldn't
<DemiMarie> It means that shared GPUs are vulnerable to a denial of service attack.
<DemiMarie> Which I consider to be a (possibly unfixable) security problem with current hardware.
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<robclark> so, things like browsers take steps.. like disallowing webgl/webgpu to create new ctx if the tab (or origin?) has already triggered a gpu crash
<DemiMarie> Can virtio-GPU native contexts do the same thing?
<DemiMarie> Right now, it seems that GPU resets tend to cause a system-wide hang
<DemiMarie> Which is really bad
<robclark> re: systemwide hang, I guess that depends on gpu.. and things with vram sitting off pci bus have a harder time at it.. that is certainly not a problem on qc things and probably not on other igpu things
<DemiMarie> I mostly hear people with AMD GPUs complaining of systemwide hangs
<DemiMarie> It seems that a buggy VAAPI implementation causes the GPU to reset, which in turn causes the Wayland compositor to get a context lost error
<robclark> re: nctx doing the same thing.. I don't think we could out of the box, and still pass deqp/cts (there are tests for robustness which intentionally trigger gpu hangs).. but maybe it would be an option if you didn't care about conformance
<DemiMarie> It would indeed be a useful option
<DemiMarie> Even more useful would be to log what happened in a way that allows the user to be asked.
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<robclark> I'd have to think about it.. it might need to be implemented in guest kernel (since host doesn't know if the same process simply closed and re-opened the guest drm device)
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<pixelcluster> yes, system-wide hangs are a pretty huge problem especially for dGPUs
<pixelcluster> resetting the GPU for AMD GPUs means quite literally "rebooting" at least parts of the GPU (which on dGPUs also means *all* of VRAM is lost)
<pixelcluster> if you get lucky and the hang is inside shaders, you can try killing these shaders instead of having to go for a full reset, but that doesn't work way too often
<tleydxdy> > that kind of stuff
<tleydxdy> what kind of stuff?
<tleydxdy> also partial gpu reset is already a thing it just need more work still
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<pixelcluster> MODE2 reset is a thing but I'm pretty sure only on APUs
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<pixelcluster> at least I haven't seen it on any dGPU I own, but all of my APUs have it
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<pixelcluster> MODE2 also still has the big problem that it reboots all command processors etc., so if any innocent workload is running on a different queue while some other workload is hanging, that innocent workload will be killed too
<pixelcluster> it's better than MODE1 but definitely not perfect
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<DemiMarie> robclark: for me, _any_ guest process hanging the GPU would be enough justification to trigger the prompt.
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<robclark> yeah, one way to approach it is for trusted host to prompt users to nerf badly behaving guest... it won't really be practical for conformance testing (since infinite loops is a thing that is basically allowed by the standard) but it puts the user in control
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<DemiMarie> That is what I want indeed. Qubes OS doesn’t consider denial of service a security issue, but it’s still not great.
<DemiMarie> pixelcluster: this explains why AMD GPUs have a bad reputation for problem recovery.
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<DemiMarie> robclark: one idea I had was some sort of software fault isolation a la Native Client, where the shader compiler is patched to produce code can statically be checked to not hang the GPU in a not-easily-recoverable way.
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<psykose> reminds me of the halting problem
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<DodoGTA> Why does the Mesa repository occasionally throw a `fatal: bad object refs/remotes/origin/staging/20.3` error?
<kisak> Older staging branches don't exist anymore
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<maybebaby> The best language for doing the needed is scala language and it's programmatic paradigm under the hood to mean to deal with compressed sequences and accessor transformer wild toggles. As well as rich iterations specification for or over collections
<maybebaby> Sequences and sets
<maybebaby> And the relevant approach is to derive an interface for ordered sets backed up by compressed bitsets.
<maybebaby> The cherry on the cake is that they allow predicates to be built too to collections iterators and everyone.
<maybebaby> It's fused paradigm correct for such purposes.
<dcbaker> karolherbst: I got your bindgen static functions MR landed right before the feature freeze tomorrow
<maybebaby> EU investments or funded language for hw
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<maybebaby> And the method is that every sequences has min max data structure, where the size is determined by biggest element in it.
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<maybebaby> You can make this in rust too through crates, core does not have it unlike in scala.
<maybebaby> It's because it's two directional information passing during the compilation as example building the whole lists per or during iteration building
<maybebaby> The hash cause of counting zeros and ones keeps the state in hw structures
<maybebaby> It says how big is the remainder from whatever modulo
<maybebaby> Relative to that
<maybebaby> Where as compilation provides the info to what range, hash provides to compiler or builder the difference of modulo, by or after the remainder calculated.
<karolherbst> dcbaker: cool, thanks
<karolherbst> dcbaker: btw, I think those "1.3.0" need to be replaced by "1.4.0"
<maybebaby> You have transformers if you want to convert the type
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<dcbaker> karolherbst: guess that’ll happen after the feature feeeze.
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