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<tjaalton> what does one gain from enabling atomic-ops in libdrm?
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<MrCooper> tjaalton: a bunch of per-driver libdrm_* libraries require them, see with_atomic in the toplevel
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<tjaalton> MrCooper: yes, but that gets enabled even if atomic_ops itself isn't found
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<tjaalton> if the compiler is good enough?
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<MrCooper> ah, not sure offhand
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<tjaalton> looking at xf86atomic.h more closely, it's clear that there's probably no reason to end up using AO_* if the platform supports atomics otherwise
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<mairacanal> do we have some example of a shmem driver using a multi-level MMU?
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<sima> mairacanal, like different iommu for different parts of the chip that are all under one driver?
<mairacanal> i mean like a page table that points to a second page table
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<lynxeye> mairacanal: I guess there should be multiple examples. etnaviv mmu v2 uses two-level pagetables
<mairacanal> hum, thanks for the suggestion! i'll take a look at it
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<sima> mairacanal, I think all the big desktop gpus have like 3-4 levels now or something like that
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<sima> but they don't use the iommu abstraction, so not sure that applies for armsoc drivers
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<zmike> is there any sort of policy about what kinds of shaders can be added for piglit tests? e.g., if I have a problematic shader from a game, can this be dropped in directly?
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<graphitemaster> What is the status on subgroup operation support in the d3d12 gallium driver?
<graphitemaster> Running latest mesa with GLon12 on Windows and well ARB_shader_ballot doesn't seem to be supported but I'm curious if that's just because it hasn't been enabled and it is actually supported. I mean it reports GL4.6 support but GL4.6 definitely requires ARB_shader_ballot.
<agd5f> robclark, FWIW, I filed a bug in gmail and within a few days, mailing lists started working reliably again with my gmail.
<HdkR> graphitemaster: Shader subgroup arithmetic is part of a different extension that base ARB_shader_ballot though?
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<jenatali> graphitemaster: hello again :P
<graphitemaster> Bonjure :D
<graphitemaster> Building llvm first before I can build mesa XD
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<jenatali> graphitemaster: LLVM isn't required for gallium/GL
<kisak> graphitemaster: generally speaking, there's a summary of what supports what at
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<robclark> agd5f: oh, interesting.. I wonder if it is a per-account fix or they just allow-listed lists.fd.o?
<agd5f> robclark, not sure. I got feedback, just magically started working
<agd5f> *no feedback
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<robclark> hmm, ok
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<jenatali> kisak: it's protected somehow
<kisak> Hence the request for somewone with a bigger hammer to take a look.
* kisak sighs at their own excess typos.
<kisak> (Done, thanks mystery admin)
<daniels> yw
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<karolherbst> being broken here: what can I do to fix this?
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<DemiMarie> Mershl: nope, that is sharing with the project devs who have not signed the NDA. Use the official forums provided for the purpose, and if you need to report a bug in third-party software, either find a reproducer that can be shared publicly or try paying for support from someone else who has signed the NDA.
<DemiMarie> Confidential issues are usually used for security vulnerabilities IIUC.
<DemiMarie> Is it feasible to emulate non-native virtio-GPU on top of native contexts in e.g. a stubdomain or nested virt scenario? I’m asking because OpenBSD has virtio-GPU support and such support will also be added to Windows at some point, but I don’t see either getting native context support any time soon.
<Sachiel> looks like someone is not identified and messages are not making it to irc?
<DemiMarie> probably, and with absolutely no warning of it either
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* DemiMarie wishes that OFTC supported SASL
<DemiMarie> Is it feasible to emulate non-native virtio-GPU on top of native contexts in e.g. a stubdomain or nested virt scenario? I’m asking because OpenBSD has virtio-GPU support and such support will also be added to Windows at some point, but I don’t see either getting native context support any time soon.
<DemiMarie> Alternatively, could the user-space driver parts be run in a WebAssembly based sandbox?
<dj-death> alyssa: kind of curious how you generate the serialized NIR for the opencl functions on the gitlab CI
<dj-death> alyssa: a bunch of cross-compiling stuff just doesn't seem to support that
<jenatali> Demi: Windows has had paravirtualization, which is pretty much the same as native contexts, for a few years now
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<DemiMarie> jenatali: but can that be used with a non-Windows host?
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<jenatali> Ah, no, I thought you were saying Windows host, non-Windows guest
<DemiMarie> Other way around
<ccr> w
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<DemiMarie> jenatali: Use case is Windows gaming on Qubes OS without PCI passthrough (which especially for GPUs is full of security problems) or SR-IOV (which is only found in Intel iGPUs and unobtanium enterprise GPUs)
<jenatali> Yeah I get it
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<tleydxdy> it should be possible if you can get M$ to sign your drivers
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