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<pq> abhinav__, jessica_24, is that an embedded board with a built-in panel? I believe you can set the orientation in DT.
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<tomeu> have been scratching my head for some time at me waiting on the finished fence in a sched job, and the wait apparently finishing instead when the scheduled fence of the same job is signaled
<tomeu> any tips on how to figure out what is going on?
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<Venemo> DavidHeidelberg: ping. can you help me with ANGLE?
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<DavidHeidelberg> Venemo: Heya, I can look I to it in 3-4 hrs
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<Venemo> DavidHeidelberg: thanks, just ping me back when you get to it. I would like to investigate the regression that my MR caused, just dunno how to use ANGLE to reproduce it locally
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<Venemo> ok I saw you replied on the issue, thx
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<airlied> kisak: seen on twitter, "Can anyonefrom Valve tell Kisak that his latest update to Turtle PPA is busted on Ubuntu 20.04?
<airlied> libdrm 2.4.120 is ABI-incompatible with the xorg version and causes a crash when launching xorg."
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<kisak> literally booted into that environment right now while I build tested 24.1.0
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<kisak> airlied: odds are the user has a /opt/amdgpu/* install and that folder tree is providing another libdrm instance that's too old for current mesa.
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