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<Mis012[m]> but putting stuff outside the kernel that clearly belongs in the kernel is extremely ugly...
<Mis012[m]> not that this ship hasn't sailed with x86 designs
<tnt> Also, it might be more of a "philosophy" kind of thing but. If someone implents a feature X for subsystem Y. Everyone wants that feature and the only issue is that the maintainer for subsystem Y has an NDA prohibiting him to touch that feature ... should the legal constraints of a few individuals really restict what the larger OSS projec can merge ?
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<DragoonAethis> If the maintainer and the vast majority of contributors to the said subsystem/driver are under that NDA and they would have to refuse to touch a project with this patch with a ten foot pole, there's a good chance the higher level maintainers will choose not to pour gasoline where it doesn't belong :)
<karolherbst> yeah, and as stated above, it's literally just an AMD only issue
<karolherbst> other vendors don't have this issue so far
<karolherbst> so the could would only benefit AMD, becuase Intel does HDMI 2.1 -> DP in hardware (no code needed) and Nvidia has put it all inside the GSP firmware (which nouveau has to use anyway, so just calling some RPC calls needed)
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<DemiMarie> Are there any GPUs with reverse engineered drivers and HDMI outputs? Or is HDMI a desktop thing that mobile doesn’t have?
<DemiMarie> tnt: AMD would need to work on a downstream fork with the patch reverted.
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<kisak> asahi?
* ccr rubs his head in wonder.
<DemiMarie> That would do everything in the DCP firmware.
<DemiMarie> And probably does not support HDMI at all — I suspect Apple is (rightly, IMO) DisplayPort-only.
<DemiMarie> If I were in charge of AMD's GPU group I would be relegating HDMI support to an external protocol converter and treating that converter as untrusted.
<DemiMarie> Then putting a sensor on the connector so that the converter was hard-reset every time something got unplugged.
<HdkR> Controlled by DCP yes
<DemiMarie> I think everyone is moving things to coprocessors because it allows the CPU to be put in low power states.
<HdkR> `The added SMC gpio support is used to power the MCDP29xx DP to HDMI converter on.` Using an external DP->HDMI bridge :)
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<dwfreed> DemiMarie: every 14 and 16 inch macbook pro with an Apple silicon CPU has an HDMI port; those are the only Apple silicon laptops to have it, though
<dwfreed> M1s have HDMI 2.0, M2 and newer are HDMI 2.1
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<jannau> Apple Silicon display controller do only DisplayPort. M1* Laptops/Desktop have an external MCDP29xx DP to HDMI 2.0 converter, M2 and later use Parade tech DP to HDMI 2.1 converter. So basically the same situation as Intel
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<DemiMarie> IMO AMD should do the same, with controls ensuring that a compromised converter cannot harm the host.
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<DemiMarie> I'm going to be doing work on a system using dmabuf and virtio-GPU. Is a cheap system with the relevant brand of GPU sufficien
<DemiMarie> t?
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