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<pq> Why did I get a gitlab email about "Bugzilla Migration User created an issue:" *yesterday* when the issue has not been touched in three years, was created and moved to its current place in gitlab 6 years ago?
<pq> That's not the only gitlab email sent and arrived yesterday telling me that a new gitlav issue has been opened, while it has been open for several years, and it's not only with bugzilla migrated issues either.
<pq> Did someone dig up a years old forgotten queue of gitlab notification events? :-)
<MrCooper> could be
<MrCooper> FWIW, our GitLab instance didn't exist 6 years ago, so presumably the creation date was faked to match the original bugzilla report
<MrCooper> looks like it has existed for over 3 years though, time flies!
<MrCooper> pq: looks like it's because these issues were moved from the wayland project
<MrCooper> to wayland-protocols
<pq> that happened many years ago
<pq> did it not?
<pq> huh!
<pq> but the note in #66 says " Simon Ser @emersion moved from wayland#20 (moved) 6 years ago"
<pq> so I thought it was just the migration script faking that date
<emersion> pq, i movedf it yesterday
<emersion> moved*
<pq> *bugzilla migration script
<emersion> by hand
<MrCooper> pq: huh, that sounds like a GitLab bug then
<MrCooper> also, would be nice if the notification e-mails made it clearer that the issue is moved, not newly created
<pq> emersion, by hand, as in, not via any Gitlab UI or API, but poking the database somehow?
<emersion> by hand, as in by clicking the button
<emersion> not by any API or automated way
<pq> oh, buggy gitlab then
<emersion> yea
<MrCooper> that's as literal as "by hand" gets :)
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<__tim> Is this "newly-forked repositories are private by default" thing something that can be changed back to "are public by default" at the gitlab instance level?
<__tim> or was it something fdo admins changed on purpose?
<__tim> (I assume some default was introduced or flipped during some gitlab upgrade)
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<MrCooper> FWIW, I just forked a repository on today, and none of the 3 choices were pre-selected IIRC
<daniels> I did actually look into the private-repo thing and I can't make heads or tails of why
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<emersion> when i click "fork", the default is "public"
<emersion> but as soon as i select the namespace (my own personal one), it changes to "private"
<daniels> oh now that's interesting
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<craftyguy> looks like most tags from here have been removed, are we expected to not use this registry anymore?
<daniels> craftyguy: er, most? I can still see loads ...
<daniels> e.g. there are 176 tags for F33
<craftyguy> daniels: hmm, yeah list view shows tags exist, but when I click on some, e.g. the one for arch linux, gitlab shows they were deleted
<craftyguy> after 'loading' for a while, this eventually shows there are no tags:
<bentiss> craftyguy: you are not supposed to use those images directly, outside of the 'buildah' or 'container-build*' images. the ones you can find here are ones we create for the CI of ci-templates, and are doomed to be removed
<daniels> craftyguy: they're still there, you just can't list them through the UI because performance is hard
<bentiss> they are created to ensure ci-templates is capable of using that specific distro
<craftyguy> ah. I'm basically just looking for a simple arch image to use for a linting CI stage. i can build one with ci-templates but that seems like overkill
<bentiss> so not for end user use
<craftyguy> to basically just replace something like `image: archlinux:latest`, without actually hitting docker hub
<bentiss> When I don't need to rebuild it often, I include ci-template, and mark the job as manual, so the job is never triggered unless I want to respin the image
<craftyguy> daniels: ah that solves the mystery of the missing tags that are really there :)
<bentiss> craftyguy: yeah, using skopeo to fetch for the image tags is usually faster and more accurate FWIW
<craftyguy> bentiss: is that used implicitly through ci-templates or are you suggesting I take another approach?
<bentiss> craftyguy: ci-templates is usually a good choice, yeah
<bentiss> should be just a few lines in your template
<bentiss> craftyguy: for instance: -> just turn the job 'container-prep' into manual and you can use just the lint one
<craftyguy> ya I got it working, it's just annoying having to now manage an image, and add a new stage to the pipeline to build it if it doesn't exist, when pulling some default image and installing a package in it would do the same thing without requiring space to store the new image, etc
<bentiss> craftyguy: well, complain to docker then :)
<craftyguy> I was secretly hoping some of those were proxied/cached at fdo :P
<bentiss> gitlab has a proxy cache integrated, but we haven't set it in place
<bentiss> FWIW but I have no ideas if that has a GC or is just eating space for each and every project using it (it's per-project AFAICT)
<craftyguy> yeah I knew about the integrated proxy cache in gitlab, I should have started off here by asking about that
<craftyguy> got excited when I saw the /container_registry path in ci-templates project though, heh
<bentiss> "Blobs are kept forever on the GitLab server, and there is no hard limit on how much data can be stored.
<bentiss> that is... not very good for us :(
<craftyguy> ouch
<craftyguy> it's like gitlab was designed to eat cloud data storage
<bentiss> and the cleanup policy you can install is per-project, which means useless for us as we will have to go through every project
<anholt> getting some really low download perf from minio-packet
<daniels> anholt: sorry to hear that
<daniels> but I get 5.7MB/s on that file, limited only by TCP slow-start
<daniels> even annarchy gets ~6MB/sec, and that's the benchmark for broken networks ...
<daniels> being that slow screams packet loss to me tbh; is mtr enlightening?
<anholt> yeah, things work for me too. so does this runner have some issues?
<__tim> yeah, like 94% packet loss somewhere in the middle
<__tim> tcp is amazing
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<daniels> anholt: oh, it's Hetzner - I just saw the filename and thought it was a fdno DUT
<anholt> tbf I feel like I've had some really rough downloads from packet on fdno, too.
<anholt> we've definitely got Something going on with traces.
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<__tim> I don't think this is a one-off though, I've seen this before between hetzner and packet, it's beyond normal
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