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<DavidHeidelberg[m]> We need to s3cp gain some resilience against dns and http errors (codes like 50x) . 3 retries could be nice. (just looking at job which failed with 503 on s3cp, and it look like first try)
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<airlied> aarrggh a bunch of 500 killed two jobs now
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<bentiss> daniels: -> bolt is also using docker:dind
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<bentiss> FWIW, to solve those 500 I probably need to restart the machines
<bentiss> and we have a security update pending, so I might as well do that now
<mupuf> bentiss: yeah, sounds like a good idea
<bentiss> also doing the k3s upgrade first, it's always good to have this too
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<bentiss> k3s upgraded to 1.24.9, with a bunch of CVE fixes, and now starting the rollout of reboot of all machines, gitlab errors are expected
<hakzsam> CI seems to have a problem here ?
<bentiss> hakzsam: see above, rebooting all the kubernetes nodes ATM
<hakzsam> ok
<bentiss> (and I also messed up and rebooted again one node I just rebooted, so that's 2 nodes down right now)
<hakzsam> np, I will wait
<bentiss> FWIW, it takes roughly an hour, and there is also a gitlab security update pending
<Venemo> is gitlab down right now, or is my internet connection bad?
<Venemo> oh I see, it's being restarted
<bentiss> Venemo: yeah, normally it should have been better, but I mistakenly rebooted 2 control plane servers instead of 1, and that's too much for kubernetes to be happy
<Venemo> okay, no worries
<daniels> bentiss: sounds like a rough morning, sorry to hear, but thankyou for all the updates
<daniels> DavidHeidelberg[m]: yeah ci-fairy definitely needs resilience; can you please do the same to that as you did to curl?
<bentiss> daniels: not so rough, while I do the update/reboot, I tend to not have a need to use gitlab, so it doesn't change anything for me :)
<daniels> heh
<bentiss> interesting... it seems that as long as the node is cordoned, ceph does not try to recover the data that disappeared, meaning that when it comes back, we have less rebalancing to do
<bentiss> I still have 2 machines to reboot, but I'd prefer having ceph in a clean state before doing those reboot. Maybe it's time for the gitlab update then :)
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<bentiss> that upgrade was easy. it's already done
<mupuf> wonderful, thanks a lot!
<bentiss> it still puzzles me how you can reboot/upgrade/break machines and people can still continue to do their work :)
<bentiss> (with some errors, for sure, but still)
<mupuf> The magic of load balancing, I guess
<bentiss> yeah, and kubernetes resilience
<mupuf> and I am sure the bigger orgs would be able to tell the load balancer to stop using a node first, then wait for all active connections to be over before rebooting the node and adding it back
<mupuf> to make it fully transparent
<bentiss> well, they probably also have more redundancy that we have
<mupuf> as for rebooting the load balancer... I guess they do they fuckery with having two machines with the same IP?
<bentiss> because even if ceph is nice, I couldn't configure it to have multiple pods accessing the same disk at the same time
<bentiss> the load balancer issue is solved in 2 ways: add more control plane (3 is the minimum), and BGP to assign the IPs.
<bentiss> we can not realisticly add more machines because they are provided to us for free, and I don't have enough control over BGP to quickly reassign the IP to another machine
<bentiss> and HEALTH_OK as we discuss, time for another reboot
<kusma> Marge bot says she's broken on the inside...
<bentiss> kusma: see above, kind of a bad timing
<kusma> bentiss: But she sad it 45 minutes ago and an hour ago as well...
<bentiss> kusma: yes, which is approximatively the time I started doing the reboot/upgrades
<kusma> Aha, makes sense then :)
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<kusma> How long until things are expected to come up again? Marge seems to still be out...
<bentiss> and starting the reboot process for the last machine
<bentiss> kusma: hopefully 10-15 min
<kusma> OK, cool. Thanks :)
<bentiss> kusma: what actually happened was that as I was rebooting the nodes marge, was getting pushed to a noce that was not rebooted yet, so it kept getting kicked out
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<bentiss> to a node
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<bentiss> alright, all machines have been rebooted, all disks are back and ceph is HEALTH_OK
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<__tim> bah, seconds before my job was about to finish :)
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<bentiss> upgrading harbor to 2.7.0 right now
<gkiagia> is it normal that I can't use git over ssh right now? is some service down or did DNS change or something like that?
<eric_engestrom> gkiagia: there was a reboot earlier; retry now (works for me right now)
<gkiagia> I get ssh_dispatch_run_fatal: Connection to port 22: incorrect signature
<bentiss> gkiagia: assuming you are talking about gitlab project, see above
<bentiss> gkiagia: which project?
<gkiagia> pipewire
<gkiagia> pipewire/pipewire and pipewire/wireplumber
<bentiss> gkiagia: both work here
<gkiagia> hm, ok, I'll troubleshoot on my end
<bentiss> gkiagia: it could be related to the gitlab 15.7.5 upgrade from this morning
<bentiss> (we were in 15.7.2 previously)
<bentiss> maybe they made changes in the ssh key they accept, I haven't checked the full logs
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<bentiss> daniels: so I switched all the x86 runners to podman now. And while trying the arm ones... the script is not in a good shape, no?
<daniels> bentiss: it should be fine? I redid them all not too long ago
<bentiss> well, AFAICT they must have updated the image, and so at first boot it doesn't update the kernel and regenerate the initramfs and the /boot/initrd symlink is not present
<daniels> 2022-10-28T15:12:43Z
<daniels> damn ...
<daniels> but yeah, I recreated all the Arm ones <3mo ago and updated the script to fit anything that was required then
<bentiss> yeah, and thanks for that.
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<daniels> I can take a look at what's going wrong later this afternoon
<bentiss> daniels: I'm at the point where I can also spend some time on that too
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<bentiss> daniels: alright, all done. All of the runners are now deploying fine with the scripts, and are using podman (as root). I'll need to work on docker-free-space to ensure a basic clean up and rootless container, but maybe not today
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<daniels> bentiss: oh wow, nice, thankyou!
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<bentiss> hoepfully we'll see some improvements on the registry pulls now that all of our runners are using harbor as cache
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<daniels> \o/
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<bentiss> we got 84 GB of images since yesterday, I wonder how much we will have in a week, so I put the "keep the images since the last pull" to 14 days, and we'll see how it goes after a week
<DavidHeidelberg[m]> btw. I hope you're happy guys, when I once a month cleanup mine registry images, haha.
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<bentiss> DavidHeidelberg[m]: as long as it pulls the images only once, it should be fine
<DavidHeidelberg[m]> bentiss: but it has to be stored somewhere anyway, right?
<bentiss> DavidHeidelberg[m]: but you could also point it at, this way it won't add to the GCS bill
<bentiss> DavidHeidelberg[m]: the problem we have is that the runners are pulling the images twice per job and directly pull from GCS, which tend to lead to a lot of costs
<bentiss> so if you pull it once a month, that's fine
<DavidHeidelberg[m]> s3 is not on GCS, right?
<DavidHeidelberg[m]> bentiss: do you have some image, where is what?
<bentiss> s3 is not, no
<bentiss> heh, I was seeing another pull from registry-mirror... and started to investigate just to find out that it was my local CI pulling images from there :)
<bentiss> well, vm2c
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<bl4ckb0ne> hi there
<bl4ckb0ne> hitting python issues on piglit CI
<bl4ckb0ne> > ERROR: Job failed: failed to pull image "python:3.10" with specified policies [always]: initializing source docker://python:3.10: reading manifest 3.10 in manifest unknown: manifest unknown (manager.go:237:0s)
<bl4ckb0ne> same happens from python 3.7 to 3.10
<bentiss> bl4ckb0ne: that on is on me I guess
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<bl4ckb0ne> thanks
<bentiss> let me disable the docker mirrors, might be just as easiest
<bentiss> bl4ckb0ne: should be good now. I have restarted the failed jobs manually
<bl4ckb0ne> thanks
<bl4ckb0ne> pipeline fixed o/
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<__tim> no worries, thanks for all your work on the infrastructure :)
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<daniels> ^^^^^
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<DavidHeidelberg[m]> while s3cp retry support could help, I seeing 503 failures even with 3 retries (over proxy thou):
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<daniels> DavidHeidelberg[m]: tbf they're only 7 seconds apart ...
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<DavidHeidelberg[m]> wait_retry = 32 :/ at the end try it should wait
<DavidHeidelberg[m]> daniels: should I write MR for the wget -> curl switch?
<daniels> hopefully that's not in ms :P
<daniels> DavidHeidelberg[m]: yeah please
<DavidHeidelberg[m]> daniels: --waitretry=seconds but who knows.....
<daniels> though given that involves a full rebuild (i.e. pain), I suspect it would be better to do the ci-fairy side first, then aggregate the curl switch into one MR with a ci-templates uprev, so we only have to go through the full thing once
<DavidHeidelberg[m]> make sense
<anholt> failure I'm suspicious of since container storage has been played with:
<daniels> anholt: you're right to be suspicious, because that's the exact same thing we saw on the x86-64 machines when the podman move started ...
<daniels> bentiss: ^ is arm still weird?
<bentiss> argh... podman version -> 3.0.1...
<daniels> too old?
<bentiss> yes, that version was producing that exact errors
<bentiss> damn, I thought it was fine, but the repo with the latest podman only builds x86 dkpg
<daniels> ugh ...
<bentiss> I guess if I enable a Testing repo on stable it won't be pretty
<daniels> shouldn't the Go stuff all be statically linked?
<bentiss> we'll find out :)
<daniels> heh
<bentiss> ok, just managed to upgrade to podman 3.4
* daniels crosses fingers
<daniels> retry succeeded \o/
<bentiss> we'll have to see if it fails in a couple of hours
<bentiss> alright both have been updated
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<alyssa> uh oh
<daniels> alyssa: yeah, that's the exact thing that just got fixed above
<daniels> retries have now succeeded
<alyssa> +1 thanks
<alyssa> will reassign
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<bentiss> so... 3.4.2 is still better than 3.0, but we still don't have the latest CVE fixes :(
<bentiss> I'll go afk a bit. Please ping me if there are more arm64 issues. Last resort we will have to recompile podman from scratch, but we'll also need to recompile golang and quite some dependencies
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<Harzilein> hi
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<Harzilein> is there a more appropriate channel to discuss d-bus?
<Harzilein> otherwise if i don't get any objections, i'll shoot away here
<Harzilein> is there a way (short of deleting it) to make a d-bus service file inactive instead?
<Harzilein> i.e. i want clients to fail when the daemon providing the well-known name isn't already running.
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