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<hexdump0815> bonfire_: 2 hours of battery life for a mt8183 duet sounds like a hardware problem - i think even compiling kernels fulltime on all cores it should stay alive around 6 hours or so
<hexdump0815> btw. ctrl-d/ctrl-u should work on all chromebooks as long as there is some kyboard to type it on - i think it even works with a usb keyboard connected
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<bonfire_> by "hardware" you mean something wrong with my device specificaly or like, kernel level hardware config?
<bonfire_> gonna reflash to chrome to rule that out
<jenneron[m]> <bonfire_> "by "hardware" you mean something..." <- by hardware problem we mean a physical defect
<jenneron[m]> in your device
<jenneron[m]> hexdump0815: do you use firmware from chrome os for 7c? can it work with upstream firmware?
<jenneron[m]> at least some ucm configs from there seem to be upstreamed already
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<hexdump0815> jenneron[m]: yes lots of things to update there - my plan is to go through the different devices one by one and bring them up to date slowly when v6.1 is out
<hexdump0815> but it will take some time
<hexdump0815> re 7cfirmware: that one was taken from cadmium - will have to check how useful linux-firmware versions are - robclark (oh - he seems to be around here too :) ) might say more about the firmware situation for 7c
<hexdump0815> bonfire_: when you reinstall chromeos it might be a good idea to update that to the latest version to get potential firmware updates for your system before trying linux again
<hexdump0815> jenneron[m]: you are working on integrating 7c cros into pmos now? very nice and really impressive in how many topics you move thing forward
<robclark> re: fw, gpu fw comes from linux-firmware. I _think_ you can use the venus venc/vdec fw from linux-firmware. Wifi/LTE might actually care about correctly signed fw so you might need to take that from the CrOS image.
<robclark> only gpu fw that is signed is "zap" and the chromebook devices don't need/use that
<jenneron[m]> <hexdump0815> "jenneron: you are working on..." <- yes, but I'm not sure how far I can go without having a device, qcom devices need more userspace setup than others
<jenneron[m]> I suppose for now it's easier just to package all those files
<hexdump0815> jenneron[m]: yes for wifi to work you need those special qcom services to serve the firmware