<deathmist> bonfire_: I couldn't at least find traces of libinput on the filesystem as per package files reported by "xbps-query -f libinput" on my Void Linux desktop
<deathmist> jenneron: 20-mouse.conf https://pastebin.com/raw/QHfqPUzw and 40-touchpad-cmt.conf https://pastebin.com/raw/XYrjXZc7 on my krane
<jenneron[m]> deathmist: mostly unrelated I think
<jenneron[m]> you may also check downstream sources for kukui, it should be <50 patches over mainline, check whether there are any parches for touchpad
<jenneron[m]> patches*
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<deathmist> jenneron: how does one properly separate the patches from https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/third_party/kernel/+log/chromeos-5.10? seems stable updates are just merged on top
<jenneron[m]> deathmist: I think "Linux 5.10.158" commit is mainline and everything after are downstream patches?
<jenneron[m]> oh no, they merge stable updates, yeah
<jenneron[m]> that's not convenient
<jenneron[m]> they also may have more patches than i've thought
<jenneron[m]> deathmist: what touchpad does it use? (check evtest)
<deathmist> jenneron: evtest on Linux (not CrOS) I'm assuming?
<jenneron[m]> yes
<deathmist> jenneron: In my case the touchpad is /dev/input/event9 "Google Inc. Hammer" using https://cateee.net/lkddb/web-lkddb/HID_GOOGLE_HAMMER.html, and interestingly when evtest keeps reporting events the mouse sometimes just stops moving, so I guess I'm blaming libinput after all
<deathmist> there's also /dev/input/event8 "Google Inc. Hammer" which is the keyboard itself, the touchpad just has it's own event device
<jenneron[m]> deathmist: maybe open an issue in https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/libinput/libinput/-/issues
<jenneron[m]> deathmist: does chrome os have anything like this? https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/contents?file=50-system-google.quirks&path=&name=&branch=edge
<deathmist> jenneron: idk where it would have something like that, I already checked all dirs/files reported by "xbps-query -f libinput" on my Void Linux desktop and found nothing libinput related on chrome os
<jenneron[m]> sorry, i don't get it
<jenneron[m]> void linux on chrome os?
<deathmist> basically, I found no traces of libinput on chrome os
<jenneron[m]> i see
<deathmist> I checked the whole filesystem
<deathmist> and paths the libinput package on Void Linux contains
<deathmist> found nothing like any of those on chrome os
<jenneron[m]> it may not use libinput
<jenneron[m]> i still suggest to report it to https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/libinput/libinput/-/issues
<deathmist> yeah I'll see if I see any interesting logs in ~/.local/state/tinydm.log (I run Sxmo Sway on postmarketOS)
<jenneron[m]> deathmist: also, can you test video decoding patch on mainline?
<deathmist> jenneron: I guess if it applies on top of https://gitlab.com/postmarketOS/pmaports/-/tree/master/device/testing/linux-postmarketos-mediatek-mt8183 sure, how should I test that? I have no idea how video decoding stuff works
<deathmist> I've mostly worked on mainline for MSM8998 which is still really broken and I refuse to spend more of my free time on it
<jenneron[m]> deathmist: it should apply
<deathmist> https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/wlroots/wlroots/-/issues/3414 found this related to spam in tinydm log when scrolling
<deathmist> should be fixed by next major wlroots/sway update
<jenneron[m]> first of all, try v4l2-ctl --all
<jenneron[m]> if it lists decoder, try to play a h264 video with ffplay -vcodec h264_v4l2m2m file.mp4
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<deathmist> jenneron: "Failed to open /dev/video0: No such file or directory" even when running "v4l2-ctl --all" as root after adding the patch
<deathmist> scp.img firmware loading is failing and "fops_vcodec_open(),165: [MTK_V4L2][ERROR] vpu_load_firmware failed!" is also shown afterwards
<deathmist> looks like I'll have to get the firmware in place
<deathmist> there's 12 partitions under mmcblk0, where should I look? guess I'll check chromeos root
<deathmist> ...or not yet :) EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p1): The kernel was not built with CONFIG_QUOTA and CONFIG_QFMT_V2
<deathmist> welp mmcblk0p1 was useless, weird hierarchy I've never seen before: dev_image encrypted encrypted.block encrypted.key etc home lost+found reboot_vault unencryptedvar_overlay
<deathmist> "/dev/mmcblk0p3 8687616 17076223 8388608 4G ChromeOS root fs" found my target
<deathmist> /mnt/lib/firmware/scp.img
<deathmist> tried to mount ROOT-B
<deathmist> for fun and got EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p5): couldn't mount RDWR because of unsupported optional features (ff000000), guess I'll need to dig into that too. added partition table on https://wiki.postmarketos.org/wiki/Lenovo_IdeaPad_Duet_Chromebook_(google-krane)#Chrome_OS_eMMC_partition_layout btw
<jenneron[m]> deathmist: it's easier to just boot into chrome os and find it there
<deathmist> I already yoinked it
<deathmist> for ROOT-A
<deathmist> couldn't mount ROOT-B for some reason though, doesn't matter much
<jenneron[m]> <deathmist> "for fun and got EXT4-fs (..." <- why would we care about chrome os partition layout?
<deathmist> jenneron: from what I can tell it looks for /lib/firmware/scp.img, so looks like it doesn't have a firmware-name defined in DTS for scp
<jenneron[m]> you can temporarily make a symlink
<jenneron[m]> to test it
<jenneron[m]> we can easily workaround it in packages
<deathmist> jenneron: I guess we don't care about the layout, can the whole eMMC be wiped and replaced with Linux? I'm still booting from USB stick and I'm very clueless about most things
<deathmist> ideally I'd even want to replace this crappy stock bl
<jenneron[m]> pmbootstrap install --sdcard /dev/mmcblk0
<jenneron[m]> when booted from usb
<jenneron[m]> please try video decoder with firmware symlink
<deathmist> jenneron: with the firmware symlink I'm now seeing something weird: on boot 1 I see the following in "v4l2-ctl --all", "ffplay -vcodec h264_v4l2m2m <mp4 file>" and "dmesg" outputs respectively: https://termbin.com/llml, https://termbin.com/brc0 and https://termbin.com/67vr, while on boot 2 I similarly see: https://termbin.com/0zr4, https://termbin.com/itlll and
<deathmist> on both boots I used the MP4 in https://download4.dvdloc8.com/trailers/divxdigest/serenity_hd_dvd-trailer.zip as the sample, had the "ln -s /lib/firmware/mediatek/mt8183/scp.img /lib/firmware/scp.img" symlink in place, but on boot 1 video didn't play but it seemed to at least do something and showed an audio visualisation, while on boot 2 with h264 decoder it just failed
<deathmist> I'm still on boot 2 btw if there's further things I could check
<deathmist> it seems if I reboot I may or may not have video decoder available, and in other cases it'll just have no working audio from what I can tell
<jenneron[m]> second is definitely better
<jenneron[m]> maybe it doesnt have v4l2m2m api, but has v4l2-request
<jenneron[m]> deathmist: try this https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/package/edge/community/aarch64/parole, run it in console to see logs
<jenneron[m]> run it when mtk-vcodec-dec is available
<deathmist> jenneron: it segfaulted
<jenneron[m]> well.. any other gstreamer-based player should be suitable
<deathmist> soon after "(parole:14171): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: 19:54:30.327: invalid cast from 'GdkWaylandDisplay' to 'GdkX11Display'"
<deathmist> I could switch to the X11 Sxmo session from Sway
<jenneron[m]> i will try to find one which works on my mt8173 (it uses another video decoder, but still)
<deathmist> jenneron: on dwm sxmo session, had to also install gst-libav but now it's playing, think it's using software decoding however based on CPU usage I see in htop (100% on 2 cores pretty much), should there be some logs?
<deathmist> I just see some parole related shell scripts being broken with "sewd: unterminated {" and "sh: out of range" in the output during this
<deathmist> s/sewd/sed/
<deathmist> I can hear audio too though so I guess that's also good :)
<deathmist> htop during playback https://i.imgur.com/ERqgqba.png
<deathmist> "v4l2codecs plugin.c:52:register_video_decoder:<v4l2decoder0> Registering mtk-vcodec-dec-proc as H264 Decoder" and right under "v4l2codecs-h264dec gstv4l2codech264dec.c:1532:gst_v4l2_codec_h264_dec_register: Not registering H264 decoder since it produces no supported format", are those related? full log from "rm -rf ~/.cache/gstreamer-1.0; GST_DEBUG=4 parole <mp4 file>":
<deathmist> here's also "v4l2-ctl -d <0|1|2> --list-formats-ext": https://termbin.com/ywboo