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<bonfire_> hexdump01: ah interesting point. I didn't know that level of firmware was only being updated with ChromeOS ...
<bonfire_> upon updating in ChromeOS my battery is definitely closer to spec... will reflash with PMOS to test now :)
<bonfire_> deathmist: touchpad is certainky no MacBook and even my 12 yr Lenovo X series is a bit better, but that seems to just be PMOS / Phosh in ChromeOS it's fine
<jenneron[m]> hexdump0815had some touchpad configs in his repo
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<hexdump0815> the touchpad xorg.conf stuff in my repo is more like 3 button emulation for very simple touchpads etc.
<hexdump0815> maybe playing around with libinput stuff like for example here: might give some improvements here and there?
<hexdump0815> and i guess there are lots of more possible touchpad options to play around with
<jenneron[m]> does chrome os use libinput?
<jenneron[m]> if so, we can steal config from there
<hexdump0815> no idea - i think best would be to search around and experiment a bit - i would guess that most modern touchpads are quite similar maybe?
<jenneron[m]> it would be difficult to reach the best result
<jenneron[m]> having a stock configuration is better
<hexdump0815> jenneron[m]: yes, thats kind of the reason why i left it at my simple 3 button emulation conf, so that at least this is covered for the simple touchpads and whoever wants fancier for more modern touchpads can adjust it accordingly
<hexdump0815> i.e. can write its own more advanced config
<jenneron[m]> if we have a chrome os config I'm fine to ship it
<jenneron[m]> also, xorg configs won't work in wayland
<jenneron[m]> hexdump0815 I have this on hana:
<jenneron[m]> bonfire_: deathmist do you have it on krane?
<jenneron[m]> ehh many parts (if not all) in this config are garbage