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<hexdump0815> aceridus: here is how i use the kernel config fragments:
<hexdump0815> this readme describes how i build the veyron kernel
<hexdump0815> aceridus: btw. i retested my bullseye image from and for me it works fine - no readonly fs
<hexdump0815> i tested it on mighty ... did you have any mmc errors maybe which might have resulted in the btrfs ro you saw?
<aceridus> hexdump0815: So there is a script for merging configs, nice! Thanks for the info.
<aceridus> hexdump0815: I just checked the bullseye sdcard again and mount still shows '/dev/mmcblk1p4 on / type btrfs (ro, ...)'. If I run 'mount -o remount,rw /' it fails with 'mount: /: cannot remount /dev/mmcblk1p4 read-write, is write-protected'
<aceridus> hexdump0815: Ok, I see the following in dmesg 'mmcblk1: mmc1:59b4 USD00 58.9 GiB (ro)', so for some reason when the drive detects the card it thinks it is read-only. It is a microSD so no physical lock switch like full size SD cards and/or adapters have. Not sure why the driver is flagging it read only...
<aceridus> hexdump0815: Found the problem. I had to change /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf to add a menu entry for veyron-jerry that loads the jerry dtb and now everything is working. I am booted and logged into the desktop now