flto: the spmi patch is wip, I will fix that and post v2 next week after merge window closes
let me check on apps_smmu and usb ...
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bamse: hmmm the pmic being on a different address also affects the interrupts, e.g. `interrupts = <0x0 0x62 0x1 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>` needs to become `<0x6 0x62 0x1 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>`
well... I guess that can be overwritten if we find a way to reuse the `dtsi`s, but what should the default be :D
z3ntu: And "what if" you use some macro defines for that? `#define PMIC_IDX 0x6 #include <pmic.dtsi>`?
and of course `s/pmk8350_vadc/pmk8350_at_##__SID__##_vadc/`
I don't see any issue with this approach at all 🧱 👀
Without changing some fundamentals I don't see a way around giant macros .. :/ interrupts could be changed in the driver to use the sid as first parameter instead, node+reg can be by moving it into the consumer but labels also kind of only work by creating them with macros
z3ntu: I think my macro is less ugly than hacks in the driver...
so at some point not using macros doesn't make sense if the reason is that macros are ugly
and I have seen more ugly macros than this one fwiw
Perhaps you can make the macro less ugly by just defining parameters like `__SID__` and then `#include`'ing that chunk? Saves you from having all these incessant backslashes
not sure what it's trying to say, maybe try to get edl.py to work
z3ntu: yes, but that part i just consider ugly...think we should have the qcom,spmi-pmic driver build a irq hierarchy ontop of the lower layers to hide that fact
bamse: hm, you mean make an interrupt controller?
I can see how the first thing here not being a phandle to an interrupt controller is a bit weird
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Mis012[m]: the of_irq_get() code walks up the parent's chain and finds the #interrupt-cells and uses that
Mis012[m]: or if it finds a interrupt-parent property it uses that
Mis012[m]: so the typical scenario is that we walk up the tree and find a interrupt-parent property pointing to &intc in the root node and use that
bamse: then that's standard behavior?
Mis012[m]: yeah it is, it's just that we find the spmi-pmic being an interrupt controller in the case of the pmic...so that's the controller we get
bamse: well... I assume there is no pointless muxing, so presumably using any other interrupt controller would mean you don't get the interrupts? :P
Mis012[m]: right, the pmic interrupt controller is a different source of interrupts than the gic
Mis012[m]: that said, there's one gic interrupt that signals the pmic-driver that there's an interrupt in the pmic interrupt-controller
Mis012[m]: so it knows when to go look at the pmic interrupt registers to figure out which pmic-interrupt fired
that sounds like sane interrupt chaining
and what i suggested above was that we can remove the USID requirement by creating an irq_domain that maps some range of interrupts onto the parent range, but prefixed with the USID of the individual pmic
that's a fully devicetree-side construct, right?
nah, you need some plumbing code to set up the mapping
and you need to extract the USID from the pmic's reg property and tack that onto the irq description during resolution
sounds a bit magic
yeah, it is, and it's quite nice
I don't usually use magic as a compliment :P
we use that for things such as the pmic gpios, where each gpio can be used as interrupt source, but each gpio has a dedicated interrupt in the pmic's interrupt-controller space
hm, I see
so that way you can treat the gpio-controller as a set of interrupts, where interrupt 1 would relate to gpio 1...but as you request it you actually get say pmic interrupt 192
yeah... that convention would be a pity to loose
bamse: speaking of magic, I guess you won't tell me what the bits inside SSCAON_CONFIG1/2 do?
since the FLAT documents the whole 32 bits as one field
but the hypervisor accesses those fields in a manner where it's clear that it's setting/clearing individual bits
have you looked at drivers/remoteproc/qcom_q6v5_wcss.c ?
it seems to define a few of the bits at least and i would not be surprised if that's the same layout as you sscaon register
bamse: well, it doesn't define any of the bits that I need
bamse: also, it writes to RMB, which means that there is probably something listening on the other end of that, doing the actual writes
but idk what that would be, certainly not anything that I have sources for
most likely yes, RMB seems to be some sort of protocol...might be a hardware state machine though...
it's called Remote Message Buffer
i don't think i have found the documentation for the rmb messages
on msm8998, it seems to be used by modem fw to get info from SBL on whether something has finished
bamse: but on msm8998, there are actual SSCAON_CONFIG1/2 registers
bamse: actually, one other suspect thing is that these registers don't seem to exist on msm8976, so whatever is going on is more complicated than a proxy
I don't recall why I checked 8976 specifically, I guess it was mention in the driver?
Mis012: or maybe you have flashbacks from chat with me xd
bamse: what would generally be the reason for the bitfields to not be described in the FLAT?
8976 does nett have dedicated ssc core and uses adsp for that like other ones
Mis012[m]: Blame qcom obv
Not like you supposed to look into them in first place
I guess it's possible that the RMBs are used as an abstraction for that reason?
aka_: since the FLAT is an artifact of the process of parsing the HDL, I think it's fair to say there would be some particular reason
aka_[m]: debatable
they seem to be used to generate header files for firmwares
and that's pretty close to how I'm using them :P