aka_[m], seems like the pm8937 and pm8916 only has a few more regulators, thats it
ungeskriptet has joined #linux-msm
lumag: I spent some more testing USB-C on my phone now, so it definitely works much better/reliably with the no-PDOS quirk, before barely anything worked there. With the patches it's quite good, I can connect a USB-C dongle with USB, HDMI & Ethernet (model AC7042) to it, connect monitor and USB devices and everything appears to work. The attached USB stick seemed to disappear and come back regularly, not sure why. Video was stable,
keyboard/mouse seemed to be stable (or I didn't notice).
However when I plugged the phone into a Dell monitor directly with USB-C (which also provides USB ports on the back), those USB devices didn't seem to appear at all - and after plugging it in there not even the dongle tested previously would work again. On the last boot nothing weird appeared in dmesg about it, it just didn't detect some of these usb devices. In an earlier boot I saw some error appear in dmesg about 10 or 20 seconds after
plugging something in
Display worked fine with that Dell monitor. Also not sure if it was clear, with the dongle I connected the monitor via HDMI and that worked fine, so the direct USB-C connection seems to somehow cause some problems
ah maybe it's a usb2.0 vs usb3.0 problem, right now my usb3 usb stick works, but none of the keyboards/mice (which are presumably all 2.0) do anything
pespin has joined #linux-msm
lumag: notes from the last hour or so: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxNgQn32, full dmesg where it works for most of the time only in the end after plugging in the usb-c monitor basically everything stops working https://pastebin.com/raw/13VCsFtj . Second dmesg where on a fresh boot I just plug in a usb2.0 hub (via a tiny USB3.0 C->A adapter) and the hub and everything works well there https://pastebin.com/raw/tT7vBMGu
Maybe you can see something obvious, I don't :)
I'm seeing something similar on 8280.. plugging in my phone with a usb2 cable makes the port stop working under certain weather conditions..
You only have a single typec but for me the other one seems to be independent as far as (not) working goes
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