Dt-bindings+dt and in that way it cries about compatible being too long
aka_[m]: use fallback if it makes sense (devices are compatible)
But what about checker complaining?
Aren't I supposed to be sure there is no warnings/errors
aka_: I meant to say: if you choose to use e.g. msm8996 as fallback for e.g. msm1234, you need to do "qcom,msm1234-asdf", "qcom,msm8996-adsf"
aka_[m]: yes, you are supposed to. I don't understand the question.
bindings, DTS and drivers must match. You cannot add something in one palce and cause errors in other places...
konradybcio: and then dt bindings check says 'compatible is too long'
aka_: did you define a new entry in bindings?
can you show us your dfif?
You have commits in repo I linked few msgs up
And now I'm slowly heading to job so far from pc
aka_[m]: message suggests you did not define a list in the bindings
you need an entry like items: - const: new-compatible - const: old-compatible
the bindings say you have one compatible, but you want (as expressed in DTS) two compatibles, so you need to write it differently in the binidngs
fwiw items means "all of the following", enum means "one of the following"
so if i want to go fallback only i need to modify schema more
sad, i almos have no idea how it works but probably i need some nesting
i guess i can take a look on others and copy&test
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Danct12: as I said, on this platform you need the interconnect driver
oh that's a requirement now.. i see
Marijn[m]: did some further digging, after the first DRM client starts I can "chvt 2" and get a single frame of TTY, but then no more vblank interrupts