ChanServ changed the topic of #linux-msm to:
<Adrian[m]> Marijn: hi there, JIaxyga suggested that I could ask you about panel driver things... I have a sm8450 device with a dsc 1.2 cmd mode panel, but it has bpp=30 and bits_per_component=10. I used the mdss-dsi-panel-driver-generator and forced it to treat bpp=30 as 24 so it uses RGB888 (I was told by strongtz who apparently has a bpp=30... (full message at <>)
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<Adrian[m]> * Marijn: hi there, JIaxyga suggested that I could ask you about panel driver things... I have a sm8450 device with a dsc 1.1 cmd mode panel, but it has bpp=30 and bits\_per\_component=10. I used the mdss-dsi-panel-driver-generator and forced it to treat bpp=30 as 24 so it uses RGB888 (I was told by strongtz who apparently has a bpp=30... (full message at <>)
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Guest7133 is now known as Daanct12
<Adrian[m]> * Marijn: hi there, JIaxyga suggested that I could ask you about panel driver things... I have a sm8450 device with a dsc 1.1 cmd mode panel, but it has bpp=30 and bits\_per\_component=10. I used the mdss-dsi-panel-driver-generator and forced it to treat bpp=30 as 24 so it uses RGB888 (I was told by strongtz who apparently has a bpp=30... (full message at <>)
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