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<aka_[m]> konradybcio: do lagoon share bsp with holi?
<aka_[m]> or it was bitra
<aka_[m]> okay its "lito"
<aka_[m]> last vendor A11
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<konradybcio> 6350 and 6375 are as similar as car and carpet
<aka_[m]> so whats gen closest to 695?
<aka_[m]> i guess 690(lagoon)765 and 480 are close
<aka_[m]> ok 480 seems to be 695 relative
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<lumag> aka_[m], sm6375 is close to 480 5G / sm4350
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<aka_[m]> konradybcio: there is 4250 lpi patch on list, haven't you sent sm6115 one already?
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