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<z3ntu> bamse: do you know if there's any plan from whoever's working on rb3gen2 to bring up cameras? I also see it's now available for purchase from thundercomm it seems
<z3ntu> I also wonder how the speakers are connected but probably more likely these WSA ones rather than I2S (the latter is I think normally used on smartphones)
<bamse> z3ntu: i think the block diagram tells me speakers are connected to a pair of wsa8835 on soundwire
<bamse> z3ntu: i'm not aware of the plans or timeframe for camera enablement :/
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<z3ntu> bamse Thanks for both the info, either is not super useful for my phone problems unfortunately :D
<aka_[m]> Any idea if anyone is going to port smp support to dpu1?
<konradybcio> I think lumag: mentioned it as being some good cutoff point for not bothering
<lumag> konradybcio, yes, but it's on this side of the fence
<lumag> cursor-in-LM is beyond the fence
<bamse> but how will you make it blazingly fast then?!
<konradybcio> bamse he's just trying to assist you in keeping 8994 in the "too old to work on" bucket ;)
<lumag> konradybcio, this chipset doesn't exist.
<lumag> But 8974 does
<konradybcio> thankfully it's the same chip with the cpuss and gpuss swapped out!
* bamse merged Xperia Z3 Compact (8974) dts yesterday
<lumag> bamse, we need iommu :-(
<bamse> ugh, still?!
<lumag> yep :-(
<bamse> i wish i had figured out how to clean up my patches back in 2015...
<lumag> And it becomes important as otherwise we are going to loose 8974 / 8226
<lumag> ugh. GPU / sensible display on
<konradybcio> Arnd doesnt seem to be willing to git rm -rf arch/arm/ just yet
<bamse> hehe, i was happy to see sdx75 finally making the jump
<konradybcio> sdx75 probably outbenches 8994 by miles anyway
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