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<bamse> z3ntu: adreno 3d00000.gpu: CP | AHB bus error followed by hangcheck trigger
<bamse> z3ntu: thanks for confirming, looking to be a difference on the firmware side...
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<lumag> logicalerzor[m], interesting. Do you see /sys/bus/i2c/devices/i2c-0/i2c-dev/ ?
<lumag> logicalerzor[m], add CONFIG_DEVTMPFS_MOUNT=y
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<lumag> logicalerzor[m], try mounting it manually, `mount none /dev -t devtmpfs`
<lumag> logicalerzor[m], I forgot that DEVTMPFS_MOUNT doesn't work with initramfs
<logicalerzor[m]> lumag: This works now thanks! i2cdetect works now! :)
<logicalerzor[m]> how did u figure out the DEVTMPFS_MOUNT was the problem? now sure how to search for configs that might solve my problem
<logicalerzor[m]> s/now/not/
<logicalerzor[m]> oh wait i was probably mounting incorectly. was doing this instead
<logicalerzor[m]> ~ # mount -t debugfs none /sys/kernel/debug
<lumag> logicalerzor[m], ??
<lumag> regarding devtmpfs - once you've posted the empty /dev/ it became more or less obvious. If the system was working properly, you'd have got at least ttyMSM0 and other usual stuff like zero, null, etc.
<logicalerzor[m]> thanks lumag! i thought it was me mounting wrong because mount none /dev -t devtmpfs works whereas ‘mount -t debugfs none /sys/kernel/debug’ didnt
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<marc|gonzalez> lumag: :(((
<marc|gonzalez> When did the PR go out?
<konradybcio> logicalerzor: make sure you have the i2c_dev module
<konradybcio> oh you guys solved that issue :p
<konradybcio> lumag: yes the gpu works on fp5
<lumag> konradybcio, but with the default DT
<lumag> I assume
<konradybcio> i would assume so as well, i can dig the thing out of the drawer a bit later on
<lumag> no worries
<lumag> I think bamse solved the issue thanks to robclark's help
<marc|gonzalez> lumag: thanks. I'm pretty disheartened. I was on vacation until Sept 3rd, if I had known the PR was going out, I would have pinged then...
<marc|gonzalez> lumag: I appreciate your help along the way. I guess I'm relieved my work is done.
<lumag> marc|gonzalez, it's sad that this is a kind of experience that you've got. I'm used to 'it gets in, great. it gets in next cycle, it's fine too'.
<lumag> I'm used to think that way
<lumag> And anyway, thanks for your work, as usual.
<konradybcio> marc|gonzalez: sorry to hear you're done with this.. thank you for your contributions though, especially the iommu saga which nobody wanted to touch with a 10ft pole for 7 years..
<lumag> Yep
<lumag> And now it unblocked a lot of other stuff for that generation of platforms
<aka_[m]> Great pros, now fix mesa pretty please.
<lumag> :-D
<lumag> aka_[m], I hope that Vladimir's patches will make 8996 / 8998 more stable
<konradybcio> maybe one day even the imx300 driver will get merged..
<marc|gonzalez> konradybcio: do you mean the audio dsp iommu hack?
<lumag> marc|gonzalez, yes
<marc|gonzalez> that was ugly as... something very ugly
<lumag> But it got accepted!
<marc|gonzalez> smirk
<lumag> and so it unblocked the way for 660
<marc|gonzalez> 660 has the same issue? because similar FW I guess?
<phh> yeah looks like iommu was the big blocker for all of Angelo's contributions?
<konradybcio> yep and yep
<lumag> which required this hack not only for lpass, but also for WiFi, GPU and most likely compute DSP
<marc|gonzalez> but you see, even this acceptance has left me jaded
<marc|gonzalez> because the compromise that was required is straight up gross
<marc|gonzalez> I'm not used to programming that way
<marc|gonzalez> I make art normally :p
<lumag> it's a contemporary art :-P
<marc|gonzalez> Yeah Picasso programming
<konradybcio> that's linux kernel for you, one day you change 3 lines to be like Michelangelo, another day you're Picasso..
<lumag> Don't frown upon Picasso!
<marc|gonzalez> I have a system-wide kernel change in the works since about 2016. I think it'll just never get in. Maybe I can just go for the greatest number of patch versions?
<marc|gonzalez> Maybe I'll just rage quit when I get to v42
<konradybcio> that wouldn't even be a world record
<marc|gonzalez> for real?
<konradybcio> ofc
<marc|gonzalez> I don't think I have the courage to read up on that
<marc|gonzalez> But someome needs to be clobbered with a foam bat
<marc|gonzalez> Either the author, or the maintainer, or both
<lumag> Sometimes it takes a year to get the patch _reviewed_
<marc|gonzalez> I KNOW. CAUSE IT HAPPENED TO ME :(
<marc|gonzalez> I posted the most magnificent patch series (said in Trump's voice) to media. It was a work of art
<marc|gonzalez> No one gave af
<marc|gonzalez> Then 1.5 years later, Mauro said "oh I need to look at this"
<marc|gonzalez> Dude, I gave up 1.3 years ago
<lumag> :-(
<aklimov> TJ[m]: if you look at sound/soc/qcom/qdsp6/q6asm-dai.c and define PLAYBACK_MAX_PERIOD_SIZE as 6144 and PLAYBACK_MAX_PERIOD_SIZE as 8
<aklimov> TJ[m]: then does the DSP error go away?
<aklimov> TJ[m]: you can also check max period size set to 7168
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<TJ[m]> aklimov: you mean PLAYBACK_MIN_PERIOD_SIZE as 8?
<aklimov> TJ[m]: sorry, yes, correct
<aklimov> min period size as 8
<TJ[m]> <aklimov> "TJ: then does the DSP error go..." <- Yes, no DSP error with 6144
<TJ[m]> <aklimov> "TJ: you can also check max..." <- 7168 also work, thanks.
<aka_[m]> aklimov: got anything?
<aklimov> aka_[m]: nope :(
<aklimov> aka_[m]: i can share rx macro and wcd regdumps from regmap debugfs
<aklimov> aka_[m]: from downstream
<aka_[m]> if you cannot get it there is even lower chance for me to get it
<aka_[m]> s/you/You/
<aklimov> TJ[m]: yeah, i think anything starting with 8k as max period size leads to that dsp mapping error
<aklimov> TJ[m]: but i don't have any info apart from that
<aka_[m]> what kind of error you had?
<aka_[m]> aklimov: i wouldn't mind i guess
<aka_[m]> no playback and playback enabled
<aka_[m]> tho i remember your route had RX_2 in it and mine is just RX1
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<marc|gonzalez> lumag: trying to bring 17300000.remoteproc up ... No cookie so far. You merged a kernel-side PD-thingy-mapper? I have all the user-space bells & whistles to make WiFi work. Is there more magic required for adsp?
<marc|gonzalez> It looks like the kernel impl fails ("PDR: service lookup for avs/audio failed: -6") as expected, then later the user-space impl fails as well ("probe with driver q6asm-dai failed with error -22")
<marc|gonzalez> hmmm, apparently of_q6asm_parse_dai_data(dev, pdata) is not happy & returning EINVAL. Maybe something changed between 6.1 & 6.11
<aka_[m]> No dais found in DT
<aka_[m]> It says it all
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<cyrevolt> Hey there, hoping that this message will make it. ^^
<cyrevolt> We're a handful of people hacking on an MDM device, a TP-Link portable router.
<cyrevolt> We started building some tools, like a boot image builder and a parser/writer for QCDT.
<cyrevolt> This is our repo
<cyrevolt> mind the firmware research directory, where I've noted down NAND partitions, what they are, booting kernels via fastboot, etc..
<minecrell> cyrevolt: there should be existing tooling for all the boot image/qcdt stuff
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<cyrevolt> Yup, there is, though it's multiple pieces and a bit of a hassle, as I've seen so far. I'm working on simpler ones. ^^
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