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<z3ntu> Anyone have a suggestion how battery temperature ADC (
<z3ntu> Anyone have a suggestion how battery temperature ADC (ADC5_BAT_THERM_*K_PU) can be handled because some batteries have e.g. a 10kΩ NTC resistor in the battery, so the available values of 30K, 100K and 400K all don't give correct readings for the battery temperature?
<z3ntu> This also seems to be an unsolved problem on downstream msm-* kernels, I've seen ODMs just patch e.g. the 30K lookup table in the vadc driver but obviously that's not a solution that can work upstream
<marc|gonzalez> hey I got a pretty informative kernel error message :)
<marc|gonzalez> MultiMedia1: ASoC: no backend DAIs enabled for MultiMedia1, possibly missing ALSA mixer-based routing or UCM profile
<marc|gonzalez> msm-snd-msm8998 sound: YO snd_pcm_prepare: 1999 ret=-22
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<marc|gonzalez> lumag: konradybcio: krzk: In the following DT node, doesn't sound-dai = <&q6asmdai MSM_FRONTEND_DAI_MULTIMEDIA1>; define a backend DAI for MultiMedia1 ?
<marc|gonzalez> Looking more closely at dpcm_be_connect()
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<krzk> marc|gonzalez: no, it's not backend but dai on CPU side.
<marc|gonzalez> ah
<marc|gonzalez> I'm enabling more debugging to get a better picture
<krzk> marc|gonzalez: "no backend DAIs enabled for MultiMedia1" is not an error. It only means given frontend is not yet configured when card is brought up, e.g. because of missing ALSA UC<
<krzk> ALSA UCM
<marc|gonzalez> There's something missing in the DT, I imagine?
<krzk> For example if you manually (without ALSA UCM) configure mixers when system and audio comes up, this error is kind of expected
<krzk> No, it is not related to DT, nothing is missing, at least in case of recent platforms. I don't know that much older designs.
<marc|gonzalez> "recent platforms" meaning recent kernels?
<krzk> marc|gonzalez: no, recent hardware, so Audioreach based. We always talk here about most recent kernel.
<marc|gonzalez> understood. So I'm discussing not so recent HW, 2018 msm8998, which is already similar to previous msm8996 probably 2016
<marc|gonzalez> is the kernel debug log I get when I run tinyplay equinox.wav from userspace
<marc|gonzalez> I think I somehow need to specify the routing to HDMI Playback
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<marc|gonzalez> krzk: is the right doc to peruse?
<krzk> marc|gonzalez: yes, at least part of it.
<krzk> you almost always need to configure proper mixers and some audio-routing. The dmesg mentioned above looks like exactly that - missing mixers.
<krzk> marc|gonzalez: and the log is quite explicit: "possibly missing ALSA mixer-based routing or UCM profile"
<marc|gonzalez> thanks, is mixer config done in the machine driver?
<krzk> no, in userspace
<marc|gonzalez> roger that, thanks again
<krzk> just like UCM. Basically UCM is mixers, just nicely packaged for OS
<krzk> marc|gonzalez: these might be a bit useful for you: but do not treat them literally, because mixers are heavily codec/platform drivers dependend and you have something much, much older.
<marc|gonzalez> interesting, thanks
<krzk> RB3 is the oldest there and is actually pre-Audioreach. ALSA UCM repo might have some more stuff for older boards, dunno, never needed
<marc|gonzalez> I can't load a Use Case Manager using the tinyalsa tools?
<krzk> hm, not sure, but anyway UCM is just "helper" and you can achieve the same with amixer/tinyalsa.
<marc|gonzalez> tinymix contents returns Number of controls: 1029
<marc|gonzalez> including "Playback Channel Map" which sounds relevant
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