Anyone have a suggestion how battery temperature ADC (
Anyone have a suggestion how battery temperature ADC (ADC5_BAT_THERM_*K_PU) can be handled because some batteries have e.g. a 10kΩ NTC resistor in the battery, so the available values of 30K, 100K and 400K all don't give correct readings for the battery temperature?
This also seems to be an unsolved problem on downstream msm-* kernels, I've seen ODMs just patch e.g. the 30K lookup table in the vadc driver but obviously that's not a solution that can work upstream
hey I got a pretty informative kernel error message :)
MultiMedia1: ASoC: no backend DAIs enabled for MultiMedia1, possibly missing ALSA mixer-based routing or UCM profile
msm-snd-msm8998 sound: YO snd_pcm_prepare: 1999 ret=-22
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lumag: konradybcio: krzk: In the following DT node, https://paste.debian.net/1330482/ doesn't sound-dai = <&q6asmdai MSM_FRONTEND_DAI_MULTIMEDIA1>; define a backend DAI for MultiMedia1 ?
Looking more closely at dpcm_be_connect()
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marc|gonzalez: no, it's not backend but dai on CPU side.
I'm enabling more debugging to get a better picture
marc|gonzalez: "no backend DAIs enabled for MultiMedia1" is not an error. It only means given frontend is not yet configured when card is brought up, e.g. because of missing ALSA UC<
There's something missing in the DT, I imagine?
For example if you manually (without ALSA UCM) configure mixers when system and audio comes up, this error is kind of expected
No, it is not related to DT, nothing is missing, at least in case of recent platforms. I don't know that much older designs.
"recent platforms" meaning recent kernels?
marc|gonzalez: no, recent hardware, so Audioreach based. We always talk here about most recent kernel.
understood. So I'm discussing not so recent HW, 2018 msm8998, which is already similar to previous msm8996 probably 2016
you almost always need to configure proper mixers and some audio-routing. The dmesg mentioned above looks like exactly that - missing mixers.
marc|gonzalez: and the log is quite explicit: "possibly missing ALSA mixer-based routing or UCM profile"
thanks, is mixer config done in the machine driver?
no, in userspace
roger that, thanks again
just like UCM. Basically UCM is mixers, just nicely packaged for OS
marc|gonzalez: these might be a bit useful for you: https://github.com/krzk/tools/tree/master/tests-var/qcom but do not treat them literally, because mixers are heavily codec/platform drivers dependend and you have something much, much older.
interesting, thanks
RB3 is the oldest there and is actually pre-Audioreach. ALSA UCM repo might have some more stuff for older boards, dunno, never needed
I can't load a Use Case Manager using the tinyalsa tools?
hm, not sure, but anyway UCM is just "helper" and you can achieve the same with amixer/tinyalsa.
tinymix contents returns Number of controls: 1029
including "Playback Channel Map" which sounds relevant
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