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<aklimov> aka_[m]: do you see any pdm watchdog interrupts when you start playback via any path/device?
<aka_[m]> With default setup nope
<aka_[m]> I mean in dmesg
<aka_[m]> No idea where to look else
<aklimov> aka_[m]: in /proc/interrupts?
<aka_[m]> Will check once get t home
<aka_[m]> 7h more still
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<logicalerzor[m]> i have nfc (pn544) that is connected via i2c. i ran i2cdetect after i unbound the driver from nfc on the downstream kernel however all of the buses still showed that everything was in use (UU symbol). is there another way that i2c buses are hidden? or just a quirk of downstream? or maybe nfc doesnt talk in the i2c detect protocol?
<logicalerzor[m]> i unbound the driver for the touchkeys and it wasnt UU in one of the i2c buses
<logicalerzor[m]> trying to figure out if ive defined the nfc i2c bus at the correct spot in mainline
<aka_[m]> Some devices have qups owned by tz
<aka_[m]> Where trustlet expose device over qseecom
<aka_[m]> Tho accessing qup or pins would end in reboot
<aka_[m]> aklimov: back home and if i understand well i have irqs being triggered
<aka_[m]> without enabling playback
<aka_[m]> after enabling playback
<aka_[m]> its just AUX being triggered
<aklimov> aka_[m]: thanks! I'd say "good" because I have the same and you see it
<aka_[m]> eh
<aka_[m]> i simply cannot understand all of it
<aka_[m]> why this doesn't want to work, and what we are even missing
<aklimov> aka_[m]: me neither, I've been told that "something is misconfigured" and that's all; I expect that these watchdogs indicate that data is not flowing
<aka_[m]> We need a hero like konradybcio
<aka_[m]> i wish i atleast knew how stuff is being wired
<aklimov> aka_[m]: downstream doesn't trigger these IRQs on playback or after boot
<aklimov> yeah
<aka_[m]> because i just want to believe sdw mapping is 1-1
<aka_[m]> so RX3 on wcd has to be connected to something
<aka_[m]> and we are being told playback only uses RX0/RX1 on rx-macro
<aka_[m]> if i had atleast proper ds i would probably just hack snd_component_update_bits and all of these into printing
<aka_[m]> this would for sure ensure i don't miss anything
<aka_[m]> and this dumb LO connecting in wcd937x_enable_rx3() on DS
<aklimov> that's what i working on but it takes time, a lot of logs and codebase is different
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<aka_[m]> with earpiece+speaker we only have left channel
<aka_[m]> which fits because EAR is sourced from RX1
<aka_[m]> so now we are asking why RX2 on macro side doesn't show anything
<aka_[m]> is it muted? wrong muxed?
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<aka_[m]> RDAC3 can take RX1 or RX3
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