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<lumag> As far as sm8750 uses version checks instead of adding feature bits, I'm fine with it.
<lumag> krzk, abhinav__ ^^
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<Tofe_> agross: hi ! if you have a minute, I'd have a question about some very old patch you proposed on a LKML:
<Tofe_> Basically, I can't get the adm controller to work with the interrupt/qcom,ee you have in your patch, I had to use something like what is used on ipq8064 today... And it doesn't make much sense, because the downstream msm8660 3.4 kernel I have uses the values you put in your patch
<agross> I'll ping you in DM. you'll need to refresh my memory =)
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<abhinav__> lumag sure, yes I have no concerns with that as well
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