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hi! is this the right channel for qcom linux kernel development? (i'm particularly interested in qcs6490)
mntirc: yes
z3ntu: thx!
how is the current situation of sleep/resume (entering and leaving low power modes) support on the qcs6490/sc7280 in mainline? is it usable?
z3ntu: ah i just realized you're probably the best person to ask anyway :D because my fp5 is my daily driver under android now and can't install pmOS on it atm, i wanted to lazily ask if suspend/wake already works on pmOS on the fp5/qcm6490/qcs6490?
mntirc: I'm honestly not 100% sure if it works correctly, but I think so?
this commit is actually about qcm6490, very likely tested on rb3gen2
z3ntu: mntirc: worth noting that sc7280 was slated to ship on Chromebooks, so presumably battery life would have been acceptable there (though not 100% upstream)
calebcc: thanks, good hint
z3ntu: and thanks too!
mntirc: i haven't measured, but based on other similar targets we should be able to enter and exit some lower power state just fine... but you're unlikely to be able to hit the lowest power states, as this is still an area under general development
bamse: thanks, that's good to know. we plan to work on oshw battery powered devices that use mainline (some patchstacks are ok) and can conserve power by suspending, and qcs6490 is the prime candidate. so far we always had issues with broken suspend on platforms like imx8mp, a311d, rk3588
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