krzk: hi, has there been any progress on sharing enable gpios? i heard you mention in your talk from last year that modifications to drivers to use the reset framework for enable gpios would not be accepted upstream, is there a solution to that by now or still not?
some context: i have a device with nxp i2c nfc module that shares its enable gpio with the reset gpio of the nxp amplifier, so from my current understanding this still isn't possible
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bamse: I tried next like 2 weeks ago and it was crashing somewhere, but many patches are not merged, so I blamed that. But indeed from that point of view fix for RC is not that much of a fix.
Adrian[m]: I did not hear anything new about it but I also did not follow the topic. Your should rather check with brgl.
So your case still won't be easy
Has anyone got modem working on sm8550?
8 gen 2?
Adrian[m] I'm not aware of any "sharing enable GPIOs" discussion going on, can you point me in the right direction?
what is your the name of your component and is there a datasheet available?
ah these are two separate ICs that use the same enable-gpio?
yep, the enable-gpio of one IC is the reset gpio of the other one
I was watching Krzysztof's talk yesterday (https://youtube.com/watch?v=Yo8lWYm7k1U), and there he mentions that the reset framework isn't going to be accepted upstream as a mechanism for sharing enable GPIOs
timestamp is around 15:00
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brgl Adrian cee544a40e44 ("reset: gpio: Add GPIO-based reset controller")
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krzk: no concerns about "ignoring" -rc for the platforms which aren't complete enough to be used anyways...but would be nice if linux-next would be somewhat functional, to facilitate the work on the missing pieces
bamse: I would be happy as well, because you wouldn't like to see how my working branch (one which has sm8750 working) looks like and how it is annoying to develop anything :/
krzk: dependencies of your own, or code from qcom engineers that you depend on?
bamse: the second case, so code from qcom - probably now sent to the lists entirely, but earlier not necessarily
krzk: thanks for confirming my understanding, i will add this to a discussion we have on that subject...
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Adrian[m] can you drop me an email with more details on this at bartosz.golaszewski@linaro.org? What platform, what ICs, which drivers etc?