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<krzk> abhinav__: lumag: for sm8750 display, Dmitry asked me to switch away from bit-feature-check in favor of version-check and rebase on
<krzk> That's great idea, but that patchset is 2 months old, there were no new versions, and it does not even apply
<krzk> So I do not see any reasonable way how I can rebase both on newest tree and on that patchset. Second issue is that such dependency on unreviewed/unmerged patchset makes sm8750 also non-mergeable in any reasonable feature
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<krzk> but still the first thing is the problem - no way to rebase it :/
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<abhinav__> krzk there are some open items on that series - on my side to finish reviews but also discuss the open items of moving away from feature bits which i wrote here , i am especially unsure of using just < for some of the patches, there will certainly be other chipsets which
<abhinav__> might not even have some of the hw blocks so we will need >= and < everywhere .... if sm8750 dpu side changes are targetted for this cycle, IMO we shouldnt block on feature bits removal and just go ahead and post it on top of current msm-next, lumag WDYT
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