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hello all i have two questions: 1) if i want to submit someone else's commit into upstream Linux, what's the best process to do that?
however the driver seems to bail at "Could not detect nfc_en polarity, fallback to active high" and im not sure what im doing wrong in the dts that could do that (as far as im aware it matches the board file). any help on this would be great, thanks
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logicalerzor[m]: submitting patches covers this exactly
logicalerzor[m]: 2. read the driver code - what piece leads to such error?
krzk: ah thanks! sorry i had just skimmed that document. will read this in its entirety then
<krzk> "logicalerzor: 2. read the driver..." <- also thanks! it seems downstream driver also configures some pins in addition to the board file. It seems like im getting a new error now with "SE discovery failed\n" but ill try to figure this out until i ask for help here
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hi. I'm rn trying to get PCIe running on an Qualcomm SM8475 device with mainline. Looking into the downstream kernel by Qualcomm the SM8475 and SM8450 pcie initialization sequences are quite different. As the SM8450 is already supported I've been trying to understand the downstream init sequence (only bytes) using the info contained in
drivers/phy/qualcomm/phy-qcom-qmp-pcie.c in hope that I can use that knowledge to get the SM8475 running. But I noticed that a lot of registers in QCs phy init sequence for the SM8450 do not have a corresponding mention in the mainline headers (even considering the offsets). e.g. I was unable to find the register associated to `0x0240` or `0x11a4`.