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<Jookia> hello there :)
<gamiee> Hello Jookia
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<KREYREN_oftc> <kreyren> does the A64 have something alike WOL?
<gamiee> Kreyren: the WOL needs to be supported by RGMII PHY, and the PHY needs to send an interrupt (for eg. GPIO) to wake up A64
<Jookia> how long should i wait to make sure my activation email has bounced?
<KREYREN_oftc> gamiee, i know thus why am i askin for something alike WOL as the A64 doesn't seem to have it
<KREYREN_oftc> gamiee, or like can you recommend something i can add on my PCB that will do the thing?
<gamiee> It is not A64 dependent
<gamiee> A64 have GPIO interrupts, the thing is, if the PHY supports it, and if according pin from PHY is connected to GPIO on A64, which have interrupt to wake SoC
<Jookia> i've finished reverse engineering the lichee panel 86's BSP so you can rebuild the allwinner bootloader+kernel from source and run it :)
<Jookia> so i want to add it to the page
<gamiee> Jookia: oh nice!
<gamiee> About emails, we should ping one person I forgot name
<gamiee> libv !
<Jookia> i want to incorporate some of my notes from here: but i'm not sure which
<Jookia> there's a lot to unpack :)
<Jookia> oh no. looks like i managed to delete my password too. and i can't recover it without email. oops
<KREYREN_oftc> gamiee, how do i know that the PHY supports it
<gamiee> by checking it's datasheet
<KREYREN_oftc> did, but dunno what am i looking for
<KREYREN_oftc> there is WL_HOST_WAKE
<KREYREN_oftc> which is connected to things
<KREYREN_oftc> which in datasheet says
<gamiee> then try it
<KREYREN_oftc> how
<gamiee> by sending WOL packet to the PHY. Or maybe it is needed to enabled in device tree (if it is implemented in PHY at all). But take my responses with reserve, as I don't have full insight and I can be wrong.
<KREYREN_oftc> well take a look :p
* KREYREN_oftc also has no idea how to send the WOL packet
<gamiee> It's not about datasheet right now, but how the WL_HOST_WAKE works in PHY side.... what I don't know.
<KREYREN_oftc> @_@
<gamiee> Also, why are you asking about how make Wake on LAN working on Teres, when you don't know how to send it at all? TL;DR, find application for that on net, put mac address, IP (if it is not withing your network, don't forget about port forwarding) and send WOL magic packet via that app.
<gamiee> in busybox, there is handy ether-wake
<gamiee> command
<KREYREN_oftc> gamiee, bcs i have no idea how does this thing work on teres
<KREYREN_oftc> end goal is avoiding getting up to wake up the system
<gamiee> The process of wake on lan is the same as on classical PC, it is magic packet sent to the PHY.
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<KREYREN_oftc> installed `wol` and doing `wol MAC_ADDRESS` which doesn't work and the device doesn't show as connected in the router
<gamiee> are you sending it within same LAN network as your Teres is?
<KREYREN_oftc> ye
<KREYREN_oftc> i am SSH-ing over LAN
<gamiee> Hmm, another question is, if teres is powering PHY chip when it's on sleep. I really don't know, so as I said upper, please wait for other folks which knows more.
<KREYREN_oftc> hmm @_@
<KREYREN_oftc> says that it has to be enabled
<Jookia> KREYREN_oftc: is this that olimex board?
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<Jookia> KREYREN_oftc: how are you putting the board to sleep/suspend?
<karlp> KREYREN_oftc: that's wake on activityy from the wifi/bt sdio module,
<karlp> not "wake on lan"
<karlp> and you'll absolutely need the realtek drivers to have even a chance of that working, the mainline 8723ds I'm pretty sure won't support it.
<karlp> wireless wake on lan is a thing, btu it's way less common IME
<karlp> (at least as far as working)
<jkm> I don't know whether it helps somehow, but I have a board with RTL8723DS and Allwinner SoC
<jkm> WiFi works OK with 8723ds driver from Github
<KREYREN_oftc> Jookia, yes this is board by OLIMEX for the DIY-Laptop called Teres-1
<KREYREN_oftc> it's being put to sleep through either closing the lid or pressing the power button
<KREYREN_oftc> karlp, i have realtek-firmware installed
<KREYREN_oftc> jkm, ye everything works fine on the notebook i maintain the armbian and archlinux images
<Jookia> i can't find anything about the rtl8723bs supporting wake on lan
<KREYREN_oftc> ping #13
<KREYREN_oftc> *pin
<Jookia> that doesn't necessarily mean it will wake the host on lan, just that it will wake the host
<Jookia> linux and the firmware would have to agree to only wake it on lan
<KREYREN_oftc> what's the difference
<Jookia> it might wake the system on every packet or something like that
<KREYREN_oftc> so it is possible to make it wake up somehow? i can change the OS if needs be
<KREYREN_oftc> *is it
<Jookia> i don't know. the firmware controls that
<KREYREN_oftc> like i can change the PCB too if needs be
<Jookia> you could try doing 'iw wlan0 wowlan enable' in linux and see what happens but that's about it i think
<Jookia> looking at the driver it seems wowlan isn't supported for rtl8723b in mainline linux
<KREYREN_oftc> Jookia, that's syntax err
<KREYREN_oftc> `iw phy wlan0 wowlan enable` ?
<KREYREN_oftc> You can omit the 'phy' or 'dev' if the identification is unique,
<KREYREN_oftc> e.g. "iw wlan0 info" or "iw phy0 info". (Don't when scripting.)
<KREYREN_oftc> though
<Jookia> i dunno
<Jookia> your best bet would probably to use a wireless card that does support wake on lan or something else to wake the device
<KREYREN_oftc> the PCB is designed for some atheron chip it has this one on a daugher board with pinning to match the atheron chip bcs the chip is short on supply
<Jookia> you want to look for a driver+chip that supports wake on lan
<Jookia> alternatively you could probably hack something up yourself if you want to add a microcontroller or something
<KREYREN_oftc> what controller would you recommend? i can jumper wire it
<Jookia> not sure, i haven't done a project like that. i would imagine you could set up an esp wifi chip and make its entire job be to ping your computer when it gets a packet or something. it would require writing firmware and stuff though. did you mean atheros chip?
<KREYREN_oftc> ye atheros chip
<KREYREN_oftc> didn't figure out which one is compatible yet though
* karlp can't think of an atheros part that's pin compatible with rtl8723xs.
<KREYREN_oftc> karlp, it's not pin compatible the rtl8723bs is on a daugher board that is soldered on the pcb
<KREYREN_oftc> that has this pinning
<karlp> yeah, I know, still, not all of those sdio modules are interchangeable.
<karlp> the usb ones are .... mostly workable, but there's still mm of slop on some of them
<KREYREN_oftc> it's on it like this^
<karlp> yes, I konw :)
<KREYREN_oftc> oke o.o
<karlp> take your pick here for instance:
<KREYREN_oftc> i want libre firmware though
<KREYREN_oftc> or like kernel module
<karlp> lol
<karlp> well, rtw88 is looking good
<karlp> hopefully one day..
<KREYREN_oftc> or like OLIMEX has this one
<karlp> I suspect that part was EOL before the A64 laptop design was even started though unfortunately.
<karlp> it does suck, there's _very_ few options for available, functional, wifi4 level modules.
<KREYREN_oftc> like the kernel driver is getting updates
<KREYREN_oftc> O.o
<KREYREN_oftc> ye thus why teres has that annoying daugher board there
<karlp> ath9k was loved and adored, but yeah, good luck finding parts for it these days.
<karlp> we're meant to cross our fingers and have faith that wifi6 iot class hardware will save the day.
<karlp> I'm not entirely convinced of that yet :|
<gamiee> karlp: wifi6 iot class will never not help us. NDAs are NDAs
<gamiee> Even if there is some RE effort, until it will be done, more other chips will be released, and focus will be split.
<karlp> gamiee: that's my expectation as well, but wifi6 iot is what I'm being _sold_ is going to be the answer :|
<gamiee> the worst thing is, that it is split to two parts, host driver, and device driver. If device driver is shit, you can do anything at host. if device driver is good, but host driver sucks, still, you need to rework whole driver to get it to mainlining state.
<gamiee> and since wifi is quite complex thing, there is not enough people which will know how to do this.
<gamiee> karlp: yeah. I see more promise in OpenWifi
<KREYREN_oftc> hmm guess i will take the gerber 3D render screenshot in GIMP put a what each lane does and go ask on some libre mailing list for a compatible wifi chip >_<
<KREYREN_oftc> or like daughter-boarding some other chip if needs be
<KREYREN_oftc> or making new PCB
<KREYREN_oftc> \>_<
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<karlp> are you prepared to give up bluetooth?
<karlp> you'll have more options that way at least.
<karlp> and do you need AP mode? :)
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<KREYREN_oftc> .. or like just make a pic of the gerbers lol
<KREYREN_oftc> karlp, fu^&* BLE
<KREYREN_oftc> AP mode as in having to figure out how to put an SIM card on it so that people can use it as access point?
<gamiee> AP mode is being router
<gamiee> so Access Point
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<KREYREN_oftc> hmm should i want that?
<KREYREN_oftc> btw i have this on the WIFI chip tracking
<gamiee> I doubt it is for atheros
<KREYREN_oftc> gamiee, that's what community member told meh
<gamiee> most likely for another compatible wifi chip (most likely broadcom), since there are sometimes shortages of Broadcom or Realtek chips
<KREYREN_oftc> or like give me a WiFI chip that i can jumper wire to the PCB that is libre >_<
<gamiee> I can give you a list of libre wifi chips, there it is:
<KREYREN_oftc> :O
<KREYREN_oftc> oh
<KREYREN_oftc> hmpf
<gamiee> D
<KREYREN_oftc> *idiot*
<gamiee> but really, there isn't any other option.
<karlp> what are you going to jumper wire, you have working wifi/bt you said, you just wanted wake on lan,
<KREYREN_oftc> even if i had to like ducttape that inside the case to the USB bus
<karlp> randomly trying some other wifi chip isn't going to fix _that_ problem
<KREYREN_oftc> karlp, ye tell me how to make that WOL work then xD
<karlp> the same way it will be with any other part you get, you'll need to be deep in the driver guts.
<gamiee> as karlp says
<KREYREN_oftc> so annoying tsvetan more until he tells me
<KREYREN_oftc> got it
<gamiee> (also, I thought you whole time mean Wake on Lan via Ethernet)
<karlp> ok, good luck with that :)
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<gamiee> what you want kreyren is Wake on WLAN
<KREYREN_oftc> gamiee, nah it doesn't have ethernet
<KREYREN_oftc> ooo
<gamiee> in this case, the situation is even worse I think so
<KREYREN_oftc> or like there is a mod for ethernet but i don't want it
<KREYREN_oftc> something something snap set
<KREYREN_oftc> ehww snap
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<Jookia> i didn't get an email for the sunxi wiki. can someone help me get an account activate/password reset?
<karlp> libv: that's still you iirc?
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