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<catflaskcasey> Hello! I was wondering if someone could help me out configuring U-Boot (for compiling)? Im very sure the device I'm trying to port is using parts that are already supported its just there's so many options... :(
<catflaskcasey> The wiki doesnt explain how to make a defconfig for a new allwinner device
<jernej> copy defconfig of closest device, then build & tweak configuration via menuconfig and at the end, use savedefconfig to store it
<jernej> that's one possible way
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<catflaskcasey> thx!
<catflaskcasey> Any defconfig you recommend for a sun7i (A20) device to start from?\
<catflaskcasey> I'm configuring U-Boot for a Kurio 4S
<catflaskcasey> its one of those actually branded and marketed "For Kids" Phones that even had commercials on TV
<buZz> cant start dopamine addiction early enough , after all :)
<buZz> catflaskcasey: if original fw is based on allwinners stuff, you might be able to extract the 'fex' file
<buZz> which holds a lot of needed configs, like screenoutput etc
<catflaskcasey> i have the fex file already
<buZz> alright :)
<catflaskcasey> im just worried about the LCD config
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<buZz> should be in the fex?
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<catflaskcasey> i know
<catflaskcasey> but idk if i made a mistqake
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<HackerKkillinghisLGA775cpuPent> Test
<HackerKkillinghisLGA775cpuPent> i think u need a driver for the led
<HackerKkillinghisLGA775cpuPent> *lcd
<catflaskcasey> how do i know if the backlight pwm needs to be inverted?
<catflaskcasey> oop- I get a completely white screen when booting U-Boot
<catflaskcasey> anyone know whta i mightve set wrong?
<HackerKkillinghisLGA775cpuPent> u need a driver to light up the screen
<HackerKkillinghisLGA775cpuPent> pls try connect the tablet via uarl
<HackerKkillinghisLGA775cpuPent> you should saw some ouput from uboot in uart
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<HackerKkillinghisLGA775cpuPent> Hi catflaskcasey_
catflaskcasey is now known as Guest8945
catflaskcasey_ is now known as catflaskcasey
<catflaskcasey> This phone has a UART its just i am unable to solder to it cuz my soldering iron is broken
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<jernej> do you really need LCD in U-Boot? for start, I would put more effort in DT file and Linux
<catflaskcasey> yes
<catflaskcasey> i cant solder a UART rn
<catflaskcasey> so i need some debug output
<HackerKkillinghisLGA775cpuPent> well u dont need to solder the uarl to see the output from it . You can see the output from it by holding the rx cable to the uarl pad/hole of the tablet and connect the GND to your by pluging using a cable to connect the micro usb of the table to your pc usb [ort .
<HackerKkillinghisLGA775cpuPent> *connect the GND to your by using a cable to connect the micro usb of the table to your pc usb port .
<catflaskcasey> you are asking for something thats such a pain its not really worth it because this PCB doesnt have through holes for this
<catflaskcasey> WAIT!
<catflaskcasey> i have an idea
<catflaskcasey> lets enable fastboot and allow U-Boot commands to be ran using oem run
<catflaskcasey> then autostart fastboot at boot!
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<catflaskcasey> nvm that didnt work
<HackerKkillinghisLGA775cpuPent> Well it shoufd
<HackerKkillinghisLGA775cpuPent> if it boot and you config it right
<HackerKkillinghisLGA775cpuPent> *you are
<catflaskcasey> it halts at some point
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<catflaskcasey> im gonna head out for now
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