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<warpme> hello apritzel
<warpme> hope you had good weekend :-p
<warpme> In context of our h313 work from Friday i saw your's comment to jernej about impact of RVBAR on TF-A, and the aarch64 switch in U-Boot. Currently i'm working with jernej to fix correct dram size detection (board has 1G but spl reports 128MiB). but what catching my attention is that uboot just "stops/hangs" on spl. no any infor from atf. it pretends ljke there is no exec jump from spl to atf....
<apritzel> warpme: did you build U-Boot with a pointer to the TF-A binary?
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<warpme> yes. I'm using BL31=<path to>/bl31.bin
<warpme> even if i have spl wrongly detecting ram size, i think i should see atf banner, etc
<apritzel> warpme: on the H616, TF-A is loaded to the beginning of DRAM, so if there are DRAM issues, it could also mean that TF-A doesn't work
<warpme> ok. lets then fix dram support and next we will see how it goes :-)
<apritzel> warpme: eventually you need to fix TF-A as well, as this also uses the H616 "CPU cluster control" address
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<apritzel> I had some early patches (for the T507, which has the same issue), just need to dig them out
<warpme> something like this: ?
<apritzel> warpme: there is more to it, the whole IP block is somewhat different. Actually it seems to be the same as in the R329, which TF-A already supports
<apritzel> so my patch is refactoring the code so that a H616 can use the R329 CPU control code as a build time option
<warpme> so maybe i should simply build atf for sun50i_r329?
<apritzel> warpme: no, the R329 uses a different memory map
<warpme> ok thx! So i'm silently relaying on you!
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<junari> warpme: your H313 with DDR3 ?
<junari> Ahh, I think I know what the problem
<junari> replace the phy_init values by your own
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<junari> *other
<junari> in vendor u-boot md.l 0x04800000 0x200, and from 0x048000c0 values that you should replace in phy_init
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<warpme> junari: yes i have h313 with ddr3 (1G ram 8x K4B1G0446E)
<warpme> junari: i dumped yesterday ram contents under running vendor android. may you help me to extract right data? Will this dump be helpful:
<warpme> and this maybe:
<junari> the values are the same with h616
<warpme> junari: is this mean are ok for my h313 board (and effectively issue is elsewhere?)
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<junari> warpme: yes
<junari> this is the only place where I saw in the disassembled driver the differences between the SoCs
<warpme> it looks h313 die i have in box seems to be a bit "different" than others h313 steepings as on Friday apritzel discovers to successful switch to aarch64 mode it needs different RVBAR (T507 like; other h313 users have successful booting with h616 uboot). Maybe this h313 steeping (or fused PROM) also impacts dram controller?
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<junari> apritzel: do you know if before bootloaders for h313 and h616 was similar?
<apritzel> junari: from all we knew so far, the H313 and H616 are the same die in the same package, probably just different bins.
<apritzel> and definitely H616 builds (both U-Boot and TF-A) booted on other H313 boards before
<apritzel> (given the DRAM was supported)
<jernej> junari: afaik boot0 (vendor SPL) is same for h313 and h616, but it's important to know that it runs in 32-bit mode, so RVBAR difference doesn't matter
<apritzel> I start to wonder if those different CPU cluster blocks are controlled by some efuse or something
<apritzel> but I don't know why you would choose one over the other
<junari> looks strange
<junari> I started to make a separate plat in tf-a, but did not finish it
<junari> I was switched to another project
<apritzel> junari: does that work?
<apritzel> then I could take this as a reference
<junari> apritzel: I haven't checked yet because I haven't finished
<apritzel> junari: my solution was simpler, because I re-purposed the R329 code
<junari> t507 have some unique register for psci management
<junari> #define SUNXI_CPU_UNK_REG(c) (SUNXI_R_CPUCFG_BASE + 0x0070 + (c) * 4)
<daschaos> apritzel: I tested these patches and they seem to work. Couldn't test our every feature of it, but its booting and didn't get any obvious errors
<apritzel> daschaos: ah, thanks!
<daschaos> I'm happy that i can help :) I will test u-boot probably in something like two or three weeks, but i need to finish the project prototype first before i will switch from awboot to u-boot
<warpme> test
<jernej> warpme: it works
<warpme> thx. i'm constantly getting issue with irc client reconnect (after laptop sleep). and when issue happens - i see my msgs locally - but they are not appearing to others :-\
<apritzel> warpme: you could check in the archive, that picks it up pretty quickly
<warpme> indeed - in fact this is how i discovered that lastly many times i was talking exclusively to mysef....
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