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* advancel Trying to play video on 6.1 Kernel with Allwinner A13. Using v4l2_request api and vlc.
<advancel> Hey i'm getting this error on VLC. Is there any advice for it? Error; "glconv_vaapi_x11 gl error: vaAcquireBufferHandle: an unsupported memory type was supplied"
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<gamiee> Why it tries to use vaapi, when it should use v4l2 req API?
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<advancel> gamiee: Because V4L2_request is vaapi based ofc if i'm not wrong.
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<gamiee> advancel: no it's not?
<gamiee> (afaik)
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<advancel> gamiee: "A media player that supports VAAPI (such as VLC) can then be used to decode a video in a supported format" quoted from v4l2_request github page.
<gamiee> advancel: aren't you trying to use that old, not-maintained V4L2 Req VAAPI bridge?
<advancel> gamiee: Ofc i mean that one because i couldn't create a player that works with ffmpeg with the v4l2 patch
<gnarface> ffplay doesn't?
<advancel> gamiee: i tried mpv/vlc/QtAv/ffplay but no luck. None of them work.
<advancel> just green glitches on screen. I told this to Jernej and he told me please check your cedrus frequency maybe you should try lower freq(but i didn't try yet).
<advancel> i uploaded the screenshot of player. There it is ;
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<gamiee> advancel: note that without patched ffmpeg, V4L2 Req api will not work
<gamiee> gstreamer should have already v4L2 req support
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<advancel> gamiee: Yes i know the patch also i got from Jernej's repo(6.1.1). I couldn't make the gstreamer work.
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<paulk> hey folks
<paulk> trying to get jpeg decode going with the v536 libcedarc on a33
<paulk> makes so much sense...
<paulk> anyway looks like the jpeg hw changed a bit between generations, I can't get it to decode
<paulk> does anyone know of known working libcedar + blobs for a33?
<linkmauve> Speaking of which, do you want me to send this series again, which didn’t work on either A10, A20 or A64?
<paulk> linkmauve: I guess I'll get back to it when working on implemented jpeg dec in cedrus
<paulk> no need to send it if it doesn't work yet
<linkmauve> Alright.
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<gamiee> paulk: hi, I think best would be just to find some BSP and use it from there. btw. we found more latest cedar with more symbols.
<paulk> nice
<paulk> there used to be the actual jpeg code for melis in an earlier release
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<paulk> anyway I'm a bit surprised the mpeg decode side changed for v536
<gamiee> does it work on v3?
<paulk> mhh didn't try it
<gamiee> would be surprised if there is big diff between v3 and a33
<gamiee> btw paulk : is there big difference between v3/s3 and V536/V85X H.264 encoder cores?
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<paulk> gamiee: I haven't really looked closely at v536+ but it seems that the h264 enc has evolved quite a lot over time
<paulk> there is a significant difference between v3 and a20 at least
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<jernej> paulk: h264 encoding is the only process that radically changed between cedrus generations
<jernej> all decoding processes only had incremental changes, most of which are backward compatible
<paulk> jernej: yeah that's why I'm surprised the jpeg one doesn't work ootb
<paulk> I means it's the mpeg engine
<paulk> there's about no reason at all why it would change
<paulk> anyway I'm not yet done investigating what's happening with this A33 stuff
<paulk> I'll add I/O tracing soon
<paulk> that should help
<jernej> to CedarC blobs?
<paulk> and maybe it can work to return a fake VE version number too
<paulk> jernej: I'm using page fault trapping kernel-side
<paulk> so it just prints the I/O to the VE MMIO range
<jernej> ok, that's way more advanced that I used for RE
<paulk> and forwards it to another virt memory area where the range is actually mapped
<paulk> jernej: do you have some sort of I/O tracing going?
<paulk> I didn't really see any other way
<paulk> since it's not doing syscalls at all
<paulk> just mmap and direct access
<paulk> ohh like you dump current reg values?
<jernej> which opened a test file and dumped register values
<paulk> yeah that's a lot more reasonable
<jernej> It's way too much data for dmesg
<paulk> having the exact I/O is very readable though
<paulk> indeed dumping full ranges is a pain
<paulk> but you could also just cache and print what changed
<jernej> I almost figured out VC-1 a while back. It has still some issues though
<paulk> hehe
<jernej> eh, I added same full dump code to both sides. with some post-processing (removing volatile registers), it's easy to compare
<jernej> still, there is usually a lot of difference, since some bits are often don't care if feature isn't used
<jernej> and more I'm doing this, more I see that register values aren't all. It seems that parsing functionality *has* to be used to get properly decoded video.
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<jernej> That's the case for H264, H265 (rare cases), but in VP8 and VC-1 for most if not all
<gamiee> Well, I think it makes sense that H.264 / HEVC encoder core is heavily improved
<gamiee> Since the improvements to encoder efficiency, together with ISP etc... Where on decoder side, you just decode it, you can only improve support for HDR, etc.
<paulk> jernej: yeah I'm guessing there is some internal state stuff we're not seeing which can matter in subtle cases
<paulk> jernej: thanks, I didn't remember jpeg dec was part of that code drop
<paulk> the code is dated from 2014/2015
<paulk> and A33 came out in Q1 2014
<paulk> could work out :)
<jernej> I believe code from linkmauve should be close to working, just some kinks to work out
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