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<junari> advancel: Try mpv instead of vlc with options --vo=gpu --hwdec=drm
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<junari> jernej: Should the tvout work with your H618 patches?
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<jernej> junari: no
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<junari> jernej: Will this require de33 driver modification?
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* advancel Trying to play video on 5.2 kernel with v4l2_request
<advancel> Hey, give up for mainline and back to 5.2 kernel but still not playing video. Error is; libva info: VA-API version 1.4.1
<advancel> libva info: va_getDriverName() returns 0
<advancel> libva info: User requested driver 'v4l2_request'
<advancel> libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_4
<advancel> libva info: Trying to open /usr/lib/dri/
<advancel> libva info: va_openDriver() returns 0
<advancel> [a930af60] glconv_vaapi_x11 gl error: vaAcquireBufferHandle: an unsupported memory type was supplied
<gamiee> advancel: on your place, I would just use v4l2 req directly with patched mpv or smth.
<gamiee> adding another layer where things can be broken (libva-v4l2) is not worth
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<advancel> I'm trying with vlc but no idea whats going on. Where can i find that patched mpv?
<gamiee> mpv with patched ffmpeg
<advancel> yea but as i sad yesterday its not working too
<vertex004> hello community! can somebody explain why a A20 Board can't find partition? burned the SD card with balena etcher and this is my bootlog------->
<advancel> vertex004: please check your boot.cmd(scr) should be you're pointing wrong place for your mmc or check your fex configuration.
<vertex004> thnx for the quick answer. should it point to /dev/mmc0 for instance?
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<advancel> usually mmc's should like /dev/mmcblk0p1 or /dev/mmcblk0p2 etc.
<vertex004> I already tried this partition but still no luck
<advancel> then check your kernel and fex configuration
<advancel> because kernel should be give information about attached mmc's. Like; \n MMC0 detected and attached to /dev/sdX etc. i couldn't remember exact msg but should like this.
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<vertex004> on linux machine SD card shows up as /dev/sdcX but then on the board it complains for missing partition /dev/mmcblk0p2
<advancel> check your logs carefully please.Because it says; [mmc_pm]: No sdio card, please check your config !!
<advancel> [mmc_pm]: No sdio card, please check your config !!
<vertex004> does it mean it can't find the SD Card?
<advancel> of course
<vertex004> well that's strange cause without SD card I don't get any bootlog so it's quite odd
<advancel> also second log looks like to detect sdcard as sdc0 and sdc2 but your boot.cmd pointing to /dev/mmcblk1p2
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<vertex004> ok that was me changing the partition obviously in a wrong way
<vertex004> btw this is my board ---->
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<jernej> junari: No, but it will need new driver for TV Encoder block (it's separate from DE33)
<jernej> H616 TVE seems to be same as in R40, but nobody wrote a driver from it
<jernej> annoying thing is that it has TVE TOP, which needs proper representation in DT
<jernej> I suppose that's one of the reasons nobody works on it, afaik
<jernej> junari: from the quick look, there is not much to this, at least for H616, since it has only one DAC
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<jernej> linkmauve: what userspace program did you use for JPEG decoding while testing Cedrus JPEG driver?
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<jernej> linkmauve: just realized, your JPEG code is missing SRAM initialization
<jernej> it needs to copy Diffie-Huffman table
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<jernej> eh, sorry, there is code for it, but default table seems to be missing
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<rzr> hi, is there a bugtracker or way to report issues (and patches?)
<gamiee> Kernel mail listing I guess
<rzr> well It's about uboot , I have forwarded patch allready
<rzr> but it may help others
<rzr> testing feedback would be welcome on related link
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<linkmauve> jernej, I used to use my own userspace program, but since I had to write it alongside the driver I switched to WebP decoding instead, and haven’t added back JPEG decoding yet.
<linkmauve> I have since published it at
<linkmauve> On main it also supports JPEG encoding, as tested with hantro on Rockchip, but we also don’t have a driver for that part in cedrus.
<linkmauve> Is there a matrix of the supported formats per driver in the kernel, so that I could see which hardware to test it on?
<jernej> nothing that I know
<linkmauve> I think Gstreamer now has a v4l2jpegdec element, but I’ve never tested it.
<linkmauve> Ah no, only v4l2jpegenc.
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