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<fraolt> So, I've continued investigating the PLL_GPU / GPU issue on A64 (pinephone). I've found this interesting discovery about the H6 that its GPU needs its divisor to be set to 1:
<fraolt> If that's also the case for the A64, that might explain why running PLL_GPU at 240MHz in order to run the GPU at 120MHz doesn't work.
<fraolt> But, even more interesting: According to the A64 manual, PLL_GPU doesn't even support dynamic frequency scaling.
<fraolt> Does that mean that the 3 OPPs (120, 312, 432 MHZ) in the A64 DTS should be dropped and the frequency should be set to a fixed value in ccu-sun50i-a64.c?
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<Jookia> Ok, I solved the clock issue: I was very confused. Allowins I2S2 to set the parent clock solves my issue, but I can also use fractional dividers correctly
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<jernej> fraolt: no, that just mean GPU shouldn't process any task while switching frequency
<jernej> I think
<jernej> anyway, you can dig out BSP code for frequency setup and compare process to mainline
<jernej> it's hidden in utgard driver, under platform dependent code
<jernej> that's also the place where I found frequency table
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<fraolt> jernej: I found the frequency table in the BSP sunxi driver. You mean there's another one for utgard?
<fraolt> Ok, and lima takes care that a new OPP is only selected if there is no job, right?
<jernej> where exactly did you find frequency table? under modules/ ?
<jernej> tbh, I don't know when lima switches frequency
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<fraolt> PINE A64 BSP 4.9 lichee/linux-4.9/drivers/clk/sunxi/clk-sun50iw1_tbl.c
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<jernej> hm... I'm pretty sure I pulled table from BSP, I'm just not sure which version
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<Jookia> ok, more clock research- I got fractional dividers working, but setting the clock non-fractional gives the wrong clock output
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