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<paulk> hey folks!
<paulk> is there a sunxi dinner at fosdem or something?
<paulk> currently not sure what I'm doing saturday evening
<gamiee> Hi paulk, I remember apritzel was taking about it some time ago
<paulk> ah cool :)
<paulk> I'll try to catch up
<wens> paulk: apritzel mentioned organizing something, but hasn't posted anything yet
<apritzel> yeah, libv mentioned there are tables in some room that we can use for a get-together
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<apritzel> or I guess we could even do a BoF, which would be more visible
<apritzel> libv: there are three BoF tracks, but only one is booked atm, and has a room assigned. It's mostly full by now already, though. What are the chances to get another room, say for some Saturday afternoon slot?
<libv> apritzel: a room is totally out of the question
<libv> but we can try to meet up saturday at this spot i mentioned
<apritzel> "under Janson"?
<libv> apritzel: when are you leaving fosdem, i am going to start collecting names for sunday evening (graphics devroom and anyone else i know or wants to join)
<libv> apritzel: yes
<libv> paulk: let's see if we can organize getting away from video duties
<libv> apritzel: did you organize something there already?
<libv> for the table under janson
<libv> which is a "have a small sign, grab a table, and see who turns up thing" really
<apritzel> libv: no, not yet, but it sounded like it's more like "just show up and have a sign"?
<libv> apritzel: and perhaps tell the ml and irc
<libv> good to know
<libv> let me first get an email out to the graphics devroom speakers
<libv> i have failed to do so so far due to unfortunate family things
<apritzel> yeah, so everyone: any preferences for a meeting time slot? I didn't look at the schedule yet, but I am leaning towards Saturday afternoon / early evening
<libv> apritzel: sounds good
<libv> early evening would be best, as we can then perhaps try to decide on a spot for afterwards
<libv> to eat that is
<apritzel> yeah, I don't have anything planned, and it would allow to just spill over with discussions into some dinner situation
<libv> yup
<libv> good
<libv> so saturday schedule is until 18:00
<libv> err
<libv> 19:00
<libv> so 17:30?
<libv> this way people have time to get from a mainline talk to the other building
<apritzel> yeah, that sounds great, thanks!
<apritzel> libv: oh, and I am booked for the 7pm Eurostar on Sunday, so have to pass on that offer, I am afraid
<libv> apritzel: i think this is not the first time i tell you that you should stay until monday ;p
<libv> i say that a lot to a lot of people :)
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<gamiee> I would like to join the meetup, although, I will be with PINE64 folks most of the time so it might collide :/
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<apritzel> well, at least in the past Pine64 was mostly sunxi, so there is some overlap: just bring them along! ;-)
<apritzel> libv: and yeah, I know about people pushing for staying till Monday, but sometimes there is a life outside of FOSDEM that needs to be considered ;-)
<gamiee> apritzel : ah yes, I remember that in 2019, at PINE64 dinner, there were many sunxi devs.
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<paulk> I guess the pine64 booth would be an informal gathering spot too :)
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<apritzel> paulk: yes, but in the past this turned out to be less practical without a time slot and without people holding up big signs with their IRC nick ;-)
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<paulk> hehe yeah indeed
<libv> sent
<libv> yes, that indeed sounds very impractical
<libv> meh, i am going to try this with gimp instead
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<apritzel> libv: thanks for the email!
<libv> nah, #linux-sunxi is not practical for a sign, going with SUNXI instead
<libv> a normal A4 will then be enough
<libv> #linux-sunxi is too wide and narrow and SUNXI is clearer
<apritzel> I see you have your priorities sorted ;-)
<libv> spreading it over two pages would have been possible, to make like an A3 size
<libv> but even then it looks awkward
<apritzel> libv: what's wrong with: banner \#linux-sunxi | lpr ?
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<libv> meh, no beer event
<libv> this used to be a huge sponsorship opportunity
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<apritzel> KREYREN: thanks for the Wiki update!
<apritzel> KREYREN: I was wondering, it seems like the config parts are not really Teres-I specific, also seem to miss some base config
<apritzel> so since you are not the first person to ask about this, would it make sense to move this to a separate page, helping with custom configs?
<apritzel> we could have a table, with Kconfig symbols needed for certain SoCs and their devices, for instance?
<apritzel> so people could see that they need CONFIG_DWMAC_SUN8I for H3 and later, but CONFIG_DWMAC_SUNXI for older SoCs, for instance
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<apritzel> PMICs are another example
<apritzel> btw this shows some other issue: you don't list CONFIG_MFD_AXP20X_RSB in your list, but pretty sure that's needed for the Teres-I?
<apritzel> It is contained in the arm64_defconfig, though, so I think this is worth either mentioning, or listing explicitly?
<apritzel> sounds like a fun (though mostly pointless) procrastination exercise to build a working config based on tinyconfig ...
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