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<machinehum> Does anyone know why these loads are failing?
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<karlp> what, you here too?! :)
<machinehum> karlp: I'm everywhere
<karlp> good luck, I had some 8821cu modules I was trying to bring up as well, was just getting into rtw88 as the new hotness.
<karlp> not really a sunxi question though....
<machinehum> Yeah I was talking to apritzel a while ago about them
<machinehum> Figured I would try
<machinehum> karlp: Did you get them working?
<machinehum> I'm using buildroot and was using the buildroot packages, but just realised they're mainline so switching over to that
<machinehum> Hoping they might probe a little faster on this D1
<karlp> they worked enough with an armbian image or something for me to say the hardware was ok, and this was "solveable" but getting the wifi working wasn't high on the list of things to do.
<karlp> in my openwrt buildroot it existed, but I can't say I ever had a really good feeling about them :)
<karlp> I was quietly hoping that the work around rtw88 and upstream would "fix it all for me" whiel I worked on other things...
<gamiee> I gave up with Realtek wifis. Relying mostly on Broadcoms
<karlp> any broadcom usb attached, you can buy as modules for integration?
<karlp> (for sane prices. $24 murata modules don't count)
<gamiee> Not sure about USB ones, I always used SDIO ones from Ampak.
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<gamiee> But well, it always depends on needed features
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<karlp> yeah, usb is key. that was the reason for 8821cu..
<karlp> there's a mountain of sdio modules.
<karlp> rt8821cu gives you bluetooth as well, in the same single usb connection... (in theory....)
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<gamiee> why not then use any Realtek USB module which is supported by rtl8xxxu?
<karlp> none of them have bluetooth :) (was _my_ requirement)
<karlp> anyway, that adventure is over...
<gamiee> RTL8723BU have both Wifi and bluetooth, and you can get modules.
<gamiee> And is supported by rtl8xxxu
<karlp> bu is super unreliable, I never got it to work at all, and I did try it as well.
<karlp> but yeah, both those are from days gone by, no longer my problem.... :)
<gamiee> ohh, that's interesting. It worked for me like 3-4 years ago
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<machinehum> karlp: What Allwinner shit you use?
<karlp> nothing really anymore, had a work project using h3.
<gamiee> I use H3 for my product. I love it. It have its problems, but better than any other SoC.
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<KREYREN_oftc> What's the AllWinner R18? It seems to be a pin-compatible with A64/H64?
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<apritzel> KREYREN_oftc: just a relabeled A64 ...
<KREYREN_oftc> apritzel, nothing special in it?
<apritzel> no, I think Pine64 used it on some later edition boards, and we didn't find anything special. Maybe it's supported for longer?
<KREYREN_oftc> hmm O.o
<gamiee> apritzel: there weren't mutch batches with R18.
<gamiee> Currently, it is A64_H
<gamiee> A64-H*
<gamiee> AFAIK they just repurposed it as R-series chip
<KREYREN_oftc> hmm O.o
<KREYREN_oftc> Btw. context to appreciated
* KREYREN_oftc still didn't finish figuring out the full kconfig
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