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<machinehum> Hey
<machinehum> Does anyone have info on: RTL8189, RTL8723DS, XR829
<machinehum> It's just Chinese WiFi chips, with information scattered all over the internet
<Jookia> machinehum: do you mean on how they work or pinouts?
<machinehum> Jookia: I found some more conclusive info here
<machinehum> Seems they're pin/pin with some small resistor changes
<machinehum> Not sure about the software side but I'm assuming they're all mainline, for sure the RTL8723DS is
<machinehum> Does anyone know the difference between the RTL8723DS and RTL8723BS
<machinehum> I know the "S" is sdio vs. "U" for USB
<Jookia> bs isn't mainline, 8189 isn't mainline, xr829 is not even usable outside specific kernels
<machinehum> I see
<machinehum> So RTL8723DS is the best choice
<Jookia> i guess, not sure
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<diego71> machinehum: based on realtek site they are almost the samething, but ds is more up to date with standard. Like Bluetooth 4.2 instead of 4.0
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<machinehum> diego71: Gotcha, thanks.
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<apritzel> the XR829 is definitely the worst
<apritzel> the RTL8189 is on the MangoPi MQ-R board, and it's just WiFi, no BT, but I don't know about its mainline perspective
<apritzel> machinehum: do you know which variant this is about? There are the 8189FTV, and the 8189ES, at least
<apritzel> there are github repos with Linux drivers, but it looks like the usual vendor stuff, with dozen of files in multiple directories, and a HAL and what not
<machinehum> I'll avoid XR829
<machinehum> I'm just going to go with the RTL8723DS
<machinehum> Seems easy to use
<apritzel> and there is drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtl818x/ in mainline, and support for 8187 and 8180, but they don't need to be close
<apritzel> I just used the 8723BS (on the Remix Mini PC) with a pure mainline kernel, and it works, you just need the right (and matching!) *-fw.bin and *-config.bin files
<MoeIcenowy> 8189 seems to be not close to 8187
<machinehum> apritzel: Ahh, okay, good to know. Those are binaries provided by ... realteK/
<machinehum> ?
<machinehum> Also, is anyone going to Fosdem?
<apritzel> machinehum: the fw.bin file is in the Linux firmware repository, but the config.bin file is probably board specific
<apritzel> and both need to match: I tried some config files for other boards (like some Pine64 devices), but they didn't work
<apritzel> and then I found a config file on the device, but that didn't work with the "mainline" firmware.bin, it only worked when combining both the fw.bin and config.bin I found on the device
<apritzel> so I don't know how to create that config file, but it's only around 60 bytes in size
<apritzel> and btw: the 8723BS driver is in staging, while the 8723AE and 8723BE drivers are in the normal directories
<apritzel> machinehum: FOSDEM> yes, some folks here said they wanted to go, and I was thinking about to have a meet up somewhere
<machinehum> apritzel: Thanks. I appriciate you explaining :)
<machinehum> I would be very interested in a fosdem meetup, I just bought my train tickets last week
<machinehum> First time in Belgium as well
<apritzel> ah, your IP says you are in Switzerland now ...
<machinehum> I moved :)
<machinehum> Enjoying the skiing and European lifestyle so far
<apritzel> I was already scratching my head how you were awake at this time ;-)
<machinehum> lol
<machinehum> Where are you again?
<apritzel> on that island the other side of Belgium, so if they manage to get the water out of the tunnel in time, I will be there in Brussels
<machinehum> UK? The tunnel flooded?
<apritzel> well, another tunnel on that same line, under the Thames, but the effect was the same ;-)
<machinehum> Caused by a fire control system
<machinehum> That's could have been worse
<machinehum> that*
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<yang> I am seeing this message in dmesg on a Teres/Olimex laptop -> power_supply axp20x-battery: driver failed to report `energy_full_design' property: -22
<yang> I have installed "crust-firmware" package, because it's the only thing related to axp20x which I could find in the packages pool
<yang> My question is, how do I resolve that dmesg repeatable message?
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