apritzel, It's also ethical/political? decision like why support a flawed ISA that shouldn't have these issues to begin with?
flawed ISA? I think you now completely lost me ...
apritzel, like the core is known to have a major hardware vulnerability so why support it's development instead of making the developers who get paid more than enough for the proprietary ISA to make a revision that doesn't have these issues?
instead of trying to pretend that nothing is happening and try to patch it in software
bcs that's what riscv is doing with the TH1520 that has a minor issue with underfloat exception make the developer be aware of that and demand a fix which seems to be happening
easier to do when it's not already deployed much
and you don't have to walk back your benchmarks
KREYREN_oftc: if you are concerned on that level: please don't use Allwinner chips
jakllsch, shouldn't be deployed in the first place then e.g. riscv has a stack that can test the whole compilance that the TH1520 is very obviously failing i assume that ARM has similar thing
apritzel, i don't mind the A53/A55 and depending on the results the A20 chips and am happy to develop on them
speculative execution side channels are not simple to detect or fix
at least, not without starting over with speculative execution
and since allwinner is the only manufacturer who will give me all the needed docs, etc.. that i need to design the projects without having to sacrifice my 1st born
and that would seriously hurt performance numbers
jakllsch, ARM has the budged on having a system in place to detect these prior to releasing the core design though
and probably on the performance as well considering that riscv can do that with significanly lesser budget
what makes you think they can gain profit by doing that?
jakllsch, like if riscv can provide better alternative to their core design that is significantly more affordable and doesn't have these issues then it's what will put them out of market
so i don't think the short-term profit is worth for them in comparison to the long-term
and especially if they are doing that intentionally then it's basically the same thing as phoebis cartel in the 70s and then all the deserved hell to them
what makes you think that T-Head has better verification than Arm?
apritzel, because it's open-source and the companies that don't want to pay the licensing fee to arm or use proprietary ISA are investing the needed capital to discover these issues and it's in everyone's best interest due to the open-source model
is the HDL for the T-Head core actually open source?
and like i wouldn't mind using riscv chip with spectre because i can actually inspect the whole chip and figure out myself how much it affects things.. with arm it's basically a closed box that can do anything
everything you didn't fabricate yourself is basically a closed box that can do anything
because validating someone else's IC fabrication is probably almost as costly as fabing it yourself
EU's getting 4 new fabs that i want to ideally fabricate these chip on which i was told can be arranged soon for an acceptable price ^-^
* apritzel
is getting out here ...
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* jakllsch
* KREYREN_oftc
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i can't figure out the needed modules for initrd to have a functional display and input in order to input the decrypting password https://dpaste.com/8PGP7A7GM.txt
any idea what to do there? The progress so far is that i got from a black screen to a screen that has a backlight
KREYREN_oftc: do you get the LCD after your machine loads?
Jookia, yes i have working display in u-boot and in the OS
actually the lack of input might be bcs i use armbian u-boot and it has the keyboard input disabled so that could be excluded for now
it seems to be related to initrd
the device tree should tell you what your screen is, then you do lsmod once loaded to see that module
it's expecting the ANALOGIX ANX6345
probably scroll up diego was providing information about the device there
it's parallel LCD -> eDP -> whatever A64 does for display
yeah you probably want the panel module
i am not aware of there being a panel module
you have a penl connected to the anx6345
or something
the panel has a module that can include blobs to boot it or something
but it might be simple-panel
oh it uses edp
yeah, the panel part is probably out of tree in olimex's tree
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oh, it uses non-mainline kernel?
* KREYREN_oftc
it uses mainline
i dunno, i can't find the sources for it
open-source hardware and all of software with the exception of RTL8723BS bcs the staging driver might not be usable for everyone